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Multiplayer mission
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DCS World 2.9
D.I.R.T. Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh Trail. Op.Thunder.
Uploaded by - overlord74
Date - 09/13/2024 15:57:33
Map - Caucasus
La ruta de Ho Chi Minh, es una de las principales rutas de abastecimiento del Vietcong, por esa carretera pasan cientos de camiones a diario, deberemos detener este goteo constante de suministros del enemigo, atacar y destruir las principales vÍas de acceso, su mision principal es la de  bombardear las concentraciones de tropas previamente marcadas en el briefing. Para volar en formato cooperativo con A4,F4,F5 e incluso misiones para los huey. Para mas informacion acudir a:
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Spanish
  • Size: 1.72 Mb
  • Downloaded: 49
  • Comments: 0
DCS World
Uploaded by - folkway
Date - 09/07/2024 00:44:16
Map - Normandy 2.0
This is a multi-level training mission that can serve as single player or multi. Depending on the craft and number of craft flown the threats on ground and in the air will change. Good luck and let me know if you want anything else added to this!

it has the following aircraft:
UH-1H Huey
OH-58D Kiowa
Mosquito FB
P51D Mustang
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 32.04 Kb
  • Downloaded: 85
  • Comments: 0
DCS World 2.9
Uploaded by - lekaa
Date - 09/01/2024 14:06:44
Map - Sinai
Special thanks to Dzsekeb, the original creator of Foothold, without whom none of this would be possible.
Foothold Sinai created by -= J i n x =- at ROG servers and is a member of our Swedish community
Fine tuned by me to match our "Tally Ho Thursday" i.e mission Thursday standards.

As usual, many many hours have been put into this, a lot of performance tweaks and good balance.

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 7.01 Mb
  • Downloaded: 247
  • Comments: 5
DCS World 2.9
F-16C Viper
Uploaded by - 74_Fox
Date - 09/01/2024 09:16:32
Map - Afghanistan
Scenic and Tactical low flying loop route for Single player or Multiplayer with the F16 or F18 [4 of each]
Currently set for 8 multiplayer slots
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 2.09 Mb
  • Downloaded: 94
  • Comments: 2
DCS World 2.9
C-101 Aviojet
Uploaded by - MrJazzy
Date - 08/30/2024 15:38:23
SAR campaign on Cape horn to find and evacuate damaged tourist ship. Argentina and Chile will compete for news headlines. No battle action. A-4E-C mod required (it's free). Argentina has Mi-8, MB-339, L-39, Yak-52, A-4E-C. Chile has UH-1H, C-101CC, L-39, Yak-52, F-5E. Aircraft counts are limited to +1 extra (in case of technical issues), so do not crash. Adjust your pre-flight check to freezing temperatures, snow, strong wind, south latitude and magnetic deviations of up to 15 degrees. Russian locale is the default one, English locale should kick in if you are using English version. 9 ship spawn points.

Поисково-спасательная операция на мысе Горн по поиску и эвакуации поврежденного туристического судна. Количество ЛА ограничено +1 дополнительным , поэтому не разбейтесь. В предполетной проверке учтите отрицательные температуры, снег, крепкий ветер, южную широту и магнитные отклонения до 15 градусов. Русская локализация стоит по умолчанию, есть также английская. 9 точек спауна судна.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 9.15 Mb
  • Downloaded: 31
  • Comments: 0
DCS World 2.9
F-16C Viper
Uploaded by - 74_Fox
Date - 08/29/2024 10:50:07
Map - Afghanistan
Scenic and Tactical low flying loop route for Single player or Multiplayer with the F16 or F18 [4 of each]
Currently set for 8 multiplayer slots
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 1.95 Mb
  • Downloaded: 101
  • Comments: 0
Any version
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
Uploaded by - mistermann
Date - 08/26/2024 11:54:24
Map - Syria
This is a fictional based campaign set during the 2006 July War historical timeframe on the Syria map and is designed for COOP play.  The campaign can be done solo if you desire.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 9.92 Mb
  • Downloaded: 96
  • Comments: 1
Any version
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
OH-58D MP/SP Campaign: Silent Thunder -- Mission 04: Uniform Justice [v1.01 - August 28, 2024]
Uploaded by - mistermann
Date - 08/21/2024 11:28:32
Map - Syria
This is a fictional based campaign set during the 2006 July War historical timeframe on the Syria map and is designed for COOP play.  The campaign can be done solo if you desire.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 8.58 Mb
  • Downloaded: 92
  • Comments: 1
DCS World 2.9
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Date - 08/16/2024 10:11:03
Map - Afghanistan
we will be escorting 1st armoured Cav South along Herat - Kandahar Highway to set up a checkpoint at Qarya-i-Zyarat

Then we will proceed to Qarya-i-Zyarat, through the mountains
to the ridge line Mekhak where we will monitor the HVT convoy and surrounding area for targets ,
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 7.06 Mb
  • Downloaded: 165
  • Comments: 0
DCS World 2.9
Uploaded by - evangelic
Date - 08/13/2024 20:49:24
Map - Afghanistan
##Testing complete## This mission was built for an immersive experience with friends, where rotary and fixed-wing have to work together. It is based on a real capture-or-kill mission in this area which sheltered many of the hardline Taliban in the latter stages of the conflict. It is playable as single-player, but is best enjoyed with at least 1 other friend flying rotary while another flies fixed-wing. Rotary will insert Special Forces. Fixed-Wing will provide CAS and soften anti-air targets.

Following the ANA and USMC assault on the Taliban compound in Kajaki Sofla (, intelligence was gathered about the whereabouts of Obj SAMSON. SAMSON (aka Mullah Abdul Salam) was a prominent Taliban commander, and responsible for many USMC deaths. Having narrowed him down to village in the hostile territory of Zamindiwar, you'll fly a joint US-British mission to isolate the village, locate SAMSON, and eliminate him.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 5.7 Mb
  • Downloaded: 364
  • Comments: 8