MP MIssion: C06 "Burning Bridges"

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A-10C Warthog

MP MIssion: C06 "Burning Bridges"

Uploaded by - Bahger
Date - 05/16/2011 19:13:43
MP strike/interdiction mission with 3 separately tasked 2-ship flights of A-10s.

This mission consists of three flights of 2 A-10s each, departing from separate airfields in order to link up over the AO. Tusk flight (DEAD) will attrit enemy SA-19 launchers from altitude so that Pig flight can find and kill three enemy armor convoys closing on a town containing a refugee barracks full of civilians that the enemy warlord is determined to destroy. Boar flight has clearance to destroy briefed road bridges with JDAMs in order to hamper the movement of the convoys. This is a strike/interdiction mission. The Red objective is only very lightly defended by a small UN contingent.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 798.92 Kb
  • Downloaded: 2449
  • Comments: 0