Into the Jungle [v1.3 -- October 14, 2024]

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DCS World 2.9
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior

Into the Jungle [v1.3 -- October 14, 2024]

Uploaded by - mistermann
Date - 05/31/2024 14:51:36
Map - Marianas
This is a general muti-player mission on the Marianas map that's been featured on several youtube videos.  Based on this content, I was asked to post so others could check out.  My group uses this as a go-to Vietnam period experience.  Please take this and make it your own.  If you get enjoyment from it, that's awesome.  I do not intend on maintaining this moving forward.

1970's-1980's  Era MP PvE Playground with focus on the following:

A-4E Skyhawk
F-4E Phantom II
F-5E Tiger II
OH-58D Kiowa
OH-6A Cayuse
UH1H Huey


Version Control
v1.3 (October 14, 2024) - Changed cloud setting, decreased altitude of USAF tanker below clouds
v1.2 (July 21, 2024) - Replaced EA-6B AI flight on carrier with A-4E Skyhawk as author's download site for EA-6B is now closed.
v1.1 (June 7, 2024) - Added Kiowa.  Fixed mission re-load option
v1.0 (May 31, 2024) - Original

Main Mission
Lake area Southeast of Olf Orote is a hotbed of VC activity.  Mostly infantry, but mixed in with AAA, light Armor and Artillery.  Most units randomly spawn at beginning of mission.  You can spawn all ground units as well as Naval Frigates to the South of the island via F10 Radio Menu.

There are 4 spawn points for client aircraft on the Map:
Anderson AFB in the North
Super Carrier to the Northwest of the Island
Old Orote small airfield in the West (2nd closest to action)
Small FARP + Pontoons on the Southeast (closest to action)

Other Activity
A2A refueling practice [both USN and USAF]
SAM Suppression/Destruction on Tinian and Saipan [Spawn via F10 Menu]
Carrier Operations (A4 Skyhawk)
Bombing Range at Faralon de Medinilla [TCN 21x]

F10 Radio Special Features
Total Groups On Map = Gives indication on how many groups are currently spawned in on the southern part of the island [ONLY APPLIES TO RANDOM GROUPS]
Spawn SA2 Site: Tinian = Drops in a SA-2 site at Tinian Airport
Spawn SA2 Site: Saipan = Drops in a SA-2 site at Saipan Airport
Spawn SW Frigate Group = Drops in a Frigate group patrolling south of the island.
FORCE ALL GROUPS TO SPAWN = Not recommended, but will drop in ALL remaining random groups not yet on the map.
Reload Mission = This loads a fresh version of the mission
REMOVE HUEY: XXX = When spawned Hueys don't RTB and fly around aimlessly, this removes them from play and allows another flight to spawn naturally.

OH-6A: by EightBall & Tobi -
Vietnam Assets Pack:  by EightBall & Tobi -
Seaking: by EightBall -
A-4E-C: by Community Project -

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 6.91 Mb
  • Downloaded: 773
  • Comments: 15