Operation Iron Hand. 23rd of May 1972

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Operation Iron Hand. 23rd of May 1972

Uploaded by - Rob_20
Date - 01/20/2022 05:11:32
This mission is based on a mission documented in the book "US Navy and Marine Corps A-4 Skyhawk Units of the Vietnam War".
On this date Lt Dennis J Sapp together with his wingman Lt Ken Bray, received the Distinguished Flying Cross.
With the aid of AGM-45 "Shrikes" and rockeye bombs they took out a large SA-2 site near Haiphong in North Vietnam.

I have recreated this historic mission to the best of my ability, This means a realistic flight from Yankee station to Haiphong (340nm) with A2A refueling
The mission has been created with 2 players in mind, you should each carry (for 100% realism):
2 x Shrikes
4 x MK20s
0 x external fuel tanks

If you fly it as single player, consider taking 4 x Shrikes

Comes with custom kneeboard and vietnam era music on 259.

**At the moment, A2A Tacans don't yet work with the A-4 mod**


I also STRONGLY recommend the F4E 3D model by Sanikku

Links are in the readme

As usual, please enjoy and consider buying me a coffee! Have fun!
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 81.7 Mb
  • Downloaded: 500
  • Comments: 0