This is a mod that allows you to use the 23 Special Wards of Tokyo, Japan, in DCS World. The area covered is partial at the moment, but it will be expanded in future updates.
Download Link: URL:https://www.mediafire.com/file/g8ihwfahvqq4oax/Tokyo.zip/file
Caution: This mod is very demanding on your system. It may not be usable on some PCs.
Also, it takes over 3 minutes to fully load the textures.
Please place and use this mod at the edge of the map.
This translation was done using Google Gemini.Some parts may be difficult to read.
日本の東京23区をDCS Worldで利用できるmodです。製作範囲は一部ですが今後のアップデートで追加していきます。
出典:国土交通省 都市局 3D都市モデル(Project PLATEAU) 東京23区(2022年度)[https://www.geospatial.jp/ckan/dataset/plateau-tokyo23ku-2022]
東京23区 3D都市モデル(https://www.geospatial.jp/ckan/dataset/plateau-tokyo23ku-2022)をDCS WORLD用に修正