Operation Pop 'n' Drop

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DCS World 2.8

Operation Pop 'n' Drop

Uploaded by - ch4pz
Date - 09/01/2023 14:56:30
Mossad has offered us actionable intel on a Maintenance Schedule at Palmyra Airbase, that will give us a brief window to strike both their Strip Bandits, as well as transportation that has been airlifting supplies to the frontlines up in Raqqa. You will depart Ramat-David, and join up on the way to WP1, where you will rejoin with Arco. Once Topped off, you will ingress low level into the Bekaa Valley, and cross the border into Syria, just before the IP you will climb unrestricted to angels 20, and begin your attack.

First you will need to strike 3 AAA units from up high with your GBUs, then once cleared you can descend to set up your Cluster attack. Once all targets are destroyed, climb Angels 30, and transit home, on self escort. There's an extensive SAM network in Syria, so make sure you stick to your flightplan, and review the brief for exact target locations.

You dont have to tank, although on the one test i didnt tank, my fuel was fine, but Wingman ejected on return leg, so may pay to form up, and tell him to tank, i find it helps break up the mission too!! Im still a bit unsure on the scoring, last test gave me blank screen on mission end, so, not sure if its a bug, or my triggers are set wrong? Anyway, hope you enjoy, and let me know how you go!!
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 1.32 Mb
  • Downloaded: 396
  • Comments: 2