Northern Israel borders and key landmarks

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Northern Israel borders and key landmarks

Тип - Другой
Загрузил - IAF.AssafB
Дата - 29.04.2022 20:33:17
This package contains a CombatFlite file and simple PNG map giving references for some key landmarks around Northern Israel and its borders with Syria and Lebanon. It is my hope that those details would assist in creating some realistic and interesting scenarios in that area of the Syria theatre.
Kindly provide your feedbacks/ questions / remarks here:

This package contains a CombatFlite and a PNG map to assist in getting one familiarized with Northern Israel and the adjacent territories. It could also help in building more realistic scenarios involving Israel, Syria and/or Lebanon by having the following:

1) A more precisely plotted international border between Israel to Lebanon and Syria. The plot follows RL borderline more closely than the general border as given in the DCS world map.
For the Israeli-Syrian border, both line "ALPHA" and line "BRAVO" are given with "UNDOF-ZONE" between them (The demilitarized zone established as part of the ceasefire between the two countries in 1974).
The plot also includes a short portion of the Jordanian-Syrian border and the Syrian-Lebanese border.

2) Outposts belonging to the UN peacekeeping forces along the two borders. Those outposts are marked in the CF file and provide the location of the outposts as built in DCS (not fully following RL position but close enough , and as those outposts bare UN markings they can be quite useful for some interesting scenarios). The outposts are divided to UNIFIL ("United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon") and UNDOF ("United Nations Disengagement Observer Force")

3) Key terrain features including a few mountains on the Israeli side of the border as well as a few dormant volcanic mountains along the Israeli-Syrian border that  - due to their tactical importance as vantage points - played a key role in previous conflicts.

4) Finally, a high-resolution map made out of DCS-World map overlaid with some labeling and markings aimed at assisting with the understanding of the area.

DISCLAIMER - I do not claim this map and details are 100% true-to-life. It was done based on publicly available data and based on personal familiarization with the area.
  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, Не для распространения
  • Язык: Другой
  • Размер файла: 54.62 Мб
  • Скачано: 402
  • Комментариев: 3