Arab Spring F-16C Fighting Falcon

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DCS World 2.5
F-16C Viper

Arab Spring F-16C Fighting Falcon

Тип - Кампания
Загрузил - florenceSSD
Дата - 28.02.2020 15:47:14
13 Mission Campaign centered around Ops, based out of Kish International Airfield in Iran. Varied missions of A-A and A-G, CAS and an Anti-Ship Strike mission.

As always, constructive comments and suggests appreciated.

Frustrated with Iran's constant saber rattling, Syria and Iraq have formed an unprecedented Alliance and moved on western Iran. World leaders have watched on with amazement, as the Arab Alliance has slowly taken territory in Western Iran, despite the Ayatollah putting all the Iranian Military into stopping the push.

The Arab Alliance has now taken land as far east as Bakhtegan Lake, East of Shiraz Airfield (which is also in the hands of the Alliance). The Iranian Leadership has swallowed it's pride and reached out to Western Governments, in the hope that with "The Great Satan" helping them out, this Alliance can be pushed back into Iraq.

With Shiraz Airfield firmly under Alliance control, they are pounding Iranian ground forces, with daily air attacks. Syrian and Iraqi SU24s, are bombing troops, driving them back despite Iranian air support. Arab Alliance CAP's have taken out a large percentage of Iranian fighters, forcing the Ayatollahs hand into pleading for help.

Your Squadron is the first ever US unit to deploy to Iranian soil, so be watchful. The Iranian Leadership has put restrictions on where Western forces can transit and operate over their territory. As such, you are to be mindful of ingress and egress routes, so as not to upset the host nation.

Additional required files:
Syrian Skins

Iraq MiG29 Skin

Iranian F-14 skin

Military Aircraft Mod

Download Includes:
CVN-77 USS George W Bush (folder included in download. Place in USER/SAVED GAMES/DCS/MODS/TECH). Second carrier, more aircraft!
Custom Kneeboard folder with Mission Data Card and useful slides

Download includes both MOD and No MOD versions of campaign. Hopefully this will overcome the 2.5.6 issues

Updated mission11 mission goal

11 Jun 2020
Mission2 AV-8Bs smashing more than their assigned target FIXED

11 Jul 2020
Tweak Msn 11 win criteria
  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, Неограниченное распр.
  • Язык: Английский
  • Размер файла: 38.27 Мб
  • Скачано: 4419
  • Комментариев: 35