UH-1H Huey - FAMET CEFAMET - ET_235 - Spain

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UH-1H Huey

UH-1H Huey - FAMET CEFAMET - ET_235 - Spain

Тип - Текстура
Загрузил - GADGET1
Дата - 15.10.2015 15:31:40
Skin featuring the real Spanish Army´s FAMET AB-205 ET_235 and used by the Spanish FAMET Virtual (member of Asociación Cultural de Simulación Aérea) for instruction and general purpose flights.

Updated: October, 27th, 2015

* Stencil font swtiched to the more realistic (but still not identic) AMARILLO USAF.
* Base color changed to one closer to the real thing.
* Spanish markings corrected.
* Other minor changes


This a realistic skin featuring the Spanish Army´s FAMET CEFAMET AB-205 ET_235" and used by FAMET Virtual ( http://www.simulacionaerea.org ) to take part in its online flight activities.

Do not forget to deselect the option "EXHAUST IR SUPPRESSORS" on "HELICOPTER GROPUP" of the "MISSION EDITOR" for a greater resemblance with the real aircraft.

Thank you for sharing.
  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, Неограниченное распр.
  • Язык: Любой язык
  • Размер файла: 8.86 Мб
  • Скачано: 1026
  • Комментариев: 0
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