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DCS: World 2.5
F/A-18C Hornet
Uploaded by - slix
Data - 10.02.2020 23:03:35
Welcome onboard !
One of our cruisers, CG-60 Normandy just report engine issue.
She's currently 18nm south of Bandar-e-Jask, just outside of Iranian's territorial water.

Fleet Admiral Johnson task us to set a no-fly zone above the Normandy. ( No-fly zone is represented by your flight path ).

We've sent two Seahawk to bring spare parts to the Normandy,.

You MUST control the no-fly zone till the spare parts reach the Normandy.

UAE's Air Force send two Mirage 2000 ( C/S : Chevy )  from Al Minhab AB to support you

US Air Force send an Awacs ( C/S : Wizard ) and a Tanker ( C/S : Shell ) south of the zone.

Let's start those hornets ! You'll have more info and ROE during the flight.

Good luck Boys.

Note from the mission creator :
The mission is designed for a 4 ship flight. But you can also complete it with a 2 ship flight.
Please to be sure that every triggers works finely, Be sure to respect the in-flight instructions.

Nice flight and have Fun
Boul's !
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 62.81 Kb
  • Scaricato: 234
  • Commenti: 0
DCS: World 2.5
F/A-18C Hornet
Uploaded by - slix
Data - 01.03.2019 14:14:36
In this mission you will be Pontiac 11.
You will perform a Routine flight over Georgia during conflict between Russia and Georgia.
You will be under command of Wisplash during the whole mission.
Each of your waypoint have a name ( Iren, Anchor ect ... ) and Wisplash will guide you via those points.

  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 44.91 Kb
  • Scaricato: 662
  • Commenti: 4
DCS: World 2.5
F/A-18C Hornet
Uploaded by - slix
Data - 01.03.2019 14:02:31
In this mission, you will provide escort for an US convoy over Georgia.

You will have more informations and instructions during the mission.

Mission can be flown in F/A 18C and/or in A10C.

Note : Radio F10 command " Show Tanker Information " can be used only 3 times.

Enjoy !

  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 89.92 Kb
  • Scaricato: 569
  • Commenti: 5
DCS: World 2.5
F/A-18C Hornet
Uploaded by - slix
Data - 15.01.2019 16:01:25
DATE: 07 January 2019
TIME: 06:50:00

Blue: UK,USA, France,
Red: Russia, Serbia, Syria, Iran
WX: 30008KT 9999 BKN154 20 Q1053 RMK FBL TURB BLU=

Train hauling sensitive weapons have been attacked by Insurgents near Marvdasht City ( Iran ).
You and your Wingys have to fly there to neutralized every Insurgents without damage on train.

Mission long for approximatly 1h30, request one or two AAR.
Launch and recovery from Stennis.

*** Slot avaible : 1-6 F/A 18C ***

Suggested Payload :
2x Aim-9X
2x Aim-120C
1x Fuel Tank
8x Mk82   OR   4x Mk82 + 2x AGM-65F OR  4x AGM-65F

Require at least 2 F/A 18C and suggest to mix ordonnance.

AAR on Waypoint 2, and 12 ( Optionnal )
Strike on Waypoint 7
Fence In and Low flight level on Waypoint

Enjoy your flight !

  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 36.81 Kb
  • Scaricato: 876
  • Commenti: 10
DCS: World 2.5
F/A-18C Hornet
Uploaded by - slix
Data - 12.01.2019 19:41:48
*** This version of Train Fury is obsolete, please use Train Fury V2 ( )

7 January 2019. 06:50:00 LT

Train hauling sensitive weapons have been attacked by Insurgent near Marvdasht City ( Iran ).
You and your Wingys have to fly there to neutralized every Insurgent without dammage on train.

Player : 1 - 4 F/A 18C
Mission long for approximatly 1h30, request one or two AAR.
Launch and recovery from Stennis.

Suggested Payload :
2x Aim-9X
2x Aim-120C
1x Fuel Tank
8x Mk82   OR   4x Mk82 + 2x AGM-65F OR  4x AGM-65F

Require at least 2 F/A 18C and suggest to mix ordonnance.

AAR on Waypoint 2, and 12 ( Optionnal )
Strike on Waypoint 7
Fence In and Low flight level on Waypoint 3
Fence Out and Free flight level on Waypoint 11

Attention, Target Valley is heavily defended

Enjoy your flight
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 32.47 Kb
  • Scaricato: 258
  • Commenti: 0