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DCS World 2.9
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Data - 16.08.2024 10:11:03
Map - Afghanistan
we will be escorting 1st armoured Cav South along Herat - Kandahar Highway to set up a checkpoint at Qarya-i-Zyarat

Then we will proceed to Qarya-i-Zyarat, through the mountains
to the ridge line Mekhak where we will monitor the HVT convoy and surrounding area for targets ,
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 7.06 Mb
  • Scaricato: 309
  • Commenti: 0
DCS World 2.9
F-16C Viper
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Data - 26.04.2024 11:48:06
Map - Caucasus
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 52.44 Kb
  • Scaricato: 354
  • Commenti: 0
DCS World 2.9
F-16C Viper
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Data - 26.04.2024 11:13:20
South Atlantic canyon run all fast jets available if there not in just copy and paste a flight and change the airframe
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 82.27 Kb
  • Scaricato: 211
  • Commenti: 0
DCS World 2.7
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Data - 17.09.2022 00:39:33
This is a template map, no units on it,  it has moose script rat traffic , you will need the military mod and civilian airline mod, also the F22.

Civilian planes will depart from paphos,larnaca,aleppo,damascus including 747,727,727,A330,A380,DC10 on randomised routes

Military planes will depart incirlik,akrotiri,H3,ramat david and a few more including C5, A400M, F22, C130, PC3 ORION , V22 OSPREY.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 662.59 Kb
  • Scaricato: 429
  • Commenti: 2
DCS: World 2.5
UH-1H Huey
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Data - 07.12.2018 19:16:08
I dont fly the huey much, will all the Modern aircraft, Decided to make a close convoy escort mission, just for hueys, havent enjoyed flying this much in a long time, On the persian gulf map,

Fly from the tarawa, A10s fly over clear the shorline, while uh1's fly to the farp to load up with weapons,fly direct to shore from the tarawa, over the destroyed silkworms, follow the road, over the mountain to the farp.arm and fuel up.  then fly to join up with the convoy,follow the flares. use coms to move them out, escort through canyon, full on fire fights, once clear of the canyon, theres a farp to rearm and refuel, convoy will hold,

Once all ready, use comms to move them out again, first town theres an ambush, 2nd big town, a huge full on fire fight, multiple troop groups, ural 375's, ( looks amazing in the dark with all the tracers) once or if clear of the 2nd town custom FOB a few miles ahead, (will need the ranger pack) A10 support will be available for the 2nd town using comms,
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 433.92 Kb
  • Scaricato: 537
  • Commenti: 0
DCS: World 2.5
F/A-18C Hornet
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Data - 03.11.2018 12:05:08
In prep for the F14 SQNs nearly ready to join our fleet, All jets are called back to the fleet ready for a tour of operations. Our F18S are our long range escorts today. you will be escorting a kc130 and s3b to Novorsik, you will land on the carrier to join the fleet. Tensions are high so keep aware and be ready for anything, Russia are trying to show some form of power , if they push to far, you are cleared to take them out,  
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 193.19 Kb
  • Scaricato: 467
  • Commenti: 1
DCS: World 2.5
AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Data - 21.10.2018 13:26:28
Omega fleet have arrived at the Persin Gulf, A combined strike from multiple squadrons has been planned, to neutralise the enemy sea, air and ground threat, and destroy there chemical wepaons factory. A 4 ship blockade is protecting the straight from any of our jets pushing through,  we have a spec ops team driving to there EWR station to cut any advanced warning of us coming,  
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 166.66 Kb
  • Scaricato: 503
  • Commenti: 1
DCS: World 2.5
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Data - 08.07.2018 15:59:14
Russian forces have siezed the port of Al Hutain, Holding it with SA9's,Shilkas and Bmp armoured vehicles, they have 2 Vessels patrollling the coast, so a Amphibious strike is a NO Go.

There forces have pushed south attacking villages and now also siezing control of Fujairah Intl, holding hundreds of hostages.

We have limited forces in the region with no naval support.Our FOB Deep in the mountains of Khatam Malahaha is currently setting up for operations, With transport and attack helicopters.

Our Supply convoy was hit enroute, the Av8bs have no weapons, they are going to  divert to Sharjah Intl, then form up with the A10s and roll in together, .

  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 13.79 Mb
  • Scaricato: 625
  • Commenti: 0
DCS: World 2.5
AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Data - 07.04.2018 15:15:56
We have a recon team, deep behind enemy lines, the enemy have moved into the dam area, setting up defences to hold any one off and capture our troops

clear the way and bring them home
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 13.61 Mb
  • Scaricato: 1633
  • Commenti: 3
DCS: World 2.0
AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL
Asset Extraction AV8BNA EDIT - ( NOT MY MISSION - original by hawgdawg4life)
Uploaded by - Velcro666
Data - 23.12.2017 16:44:43
find my channel here leave a sub

I did not make this mission, i just changed a few units, added in the AV8BNA and ctld for autolasing JTACS. no air threats,

the original made by Hawgdawg4Life is here
This is the mission maker, still one of the best mission on dcs 2 and the 1.5 version, its what got me into mission making,

I have only edited the mission to include the harrier, CTLD, WITH 3 JTACS AUTOLASING  and changed units to suit.

the original mission maker is hawgDawg4Life - an outstanding mission thanks
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 169.66 Kb
  • Scaricato: 884
  • Commenti: 1