Helios Profile - AH64 - Pilot/CPG Swappable
My 'personalised' setup for a 15.6" monitor - using images available from others profiles. (Thanks to BunnyClark and Aceflight - whose profiles helped me understand the mechanics of setting things up how I wanted them).
Drop the AH64 folder into your Helios Image folders, and the AH64 Final1 hpf file into your Profiles folder.
The PLT/CPG button swaps between rear and front seat views, and is also bound to keyboard key 2 - so if you still have stock keypresses then it will swap your main view to the CPG and back to pilot when pushed. In addition - if you map George Show/Hide to either 'LCTRL+v' or 'v' then when you switch to CPG it will bring up the George interface so he takes control to allow for a better transition.
Please Note - for the purists - this is not intended to be a realistic layout (like the massive amount of work that others have put into their cockpit profiles) - just a 'Down and Dirty' profile so I could get up and running covering most controls I use in flight and fight. Hope you enjoy. Please comment if you find any issues - thanks.