The Serpent's Head F/A-18C Campaign. (Nevada & Caucasus) Update Jan 25 Carrier Parking adjusted. Badger633.

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F/A-18C Hornet

The Serpent's Head F/A-18C Campaign. (Nevada & Caucasus) Update Jan 25 Carrier Parking adjusted. Badger633.

Tipo - Campagna
Caricata da - glynlewis
Data - 03.12.2018 19:32:20
The Serpents Head is a six mission F18C Campaign. It starts in Nevada and ends in the Caucasus region, so both maps are required. (I have issued a version just in the Caucasus Map area for those of you without the Nevada Map). The campaign is story line based and follows the progress of “Ford” (yourself) and his involvement in a new conflict in the Caucasus Region. As in 2008 this is once again in the beleaguered area of Ossetia and Gori. This conflict is gathering pace at an alarming rate such that the West have sent in a multinational force to the Black Sea in the form of some ground forces but primarily a naval fleet with the USS John C Stennis at its heart. We join “Ford” during his last flight over Nevada, before he leaves first light.
(THE FOLLOW UP "THE SERPENT'S HEAD 2 CAMPAIGN" IS NOW AVAILABLE FROM DCS. It continues "Fords" story and consists of 10 missions all fully voiced by actors. It  is VR friendly and there is also an option for easy A2A)

Update Jan 25 : Carrier parking adjusted.
To fly the Super carrier version the DCS Super Carrier Module is required.

To successfully play the Campaign through you will need to be familiar with :

1.    The use of the 9-line communication system and in particular its use with JTACs when they are lasing for you.
2.    Use of the Gun, AIM9X air to air missile, delivery of Mark 83 bombs and AMG65 E laser guided missiles.
3.    Use of radio.
4.    Landing on the Stennis in various conditions including night time approach.
5.    Use of Tacan and ICLS landing system. 

Everything else is covered in the attached briefs please read them before flying

A few have noted that mission 3 is difficult. If you find it so I suggest you look at my suggestions in a couple of my comment replies below.

Thanks to the following for the voices, couldn’t do this without them.
•    Erik “SOB” Polta
•    FedUpFF
•    Mistermann and Mrs Mistermann (Laura)
•    AndyB
•    Steel Jaw

Most of all enjoy ! .


1 Serpent's Head 2 :
2 Rise of the Persian Lion:
3 Rise of the Persian Lion 2:
4 Operation Green Line:
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 209.03 Mb
  • Scaricato: 13741
  • Commenti: 204