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DCS: World 2.5
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - topergood
Date - 26.02.2018 10:35:26
AUTHOR: Eric and Patrick Cuesta
Big thanks to Markindel for his excellent aircraft carrier

Ecco il 'NAVAL GRUPPO ITALIAN0 C550 CAVOUR', con un clic su 'barca' nell'editor della missione
hai la superba flotta C550 CAVOUR, per i nostri amici italiani. L'ammiraglia può fare qualsiasi cosa,
gli altri sono una scena che segue il CAVOUR: è veloce e coinvolgente.
Per l'installazione è necessario inserire il mod in: Salva gioco / Mod / Tech, nel modo appropriato in base alla tua versione di DCS World.

Here is the 'NAVAL GRUPPO ITALIAN0 C550 CAVOUR', in one click on 'boat' in the mission editor
you have the superb fleet C550 CAVOUR, for our Italian friends. The flagship can do anything,
the others are a scene that follows the CAVOUR. It's fast and it's immersive.
For the installation it is necessary to put the mod in: Save game / Mod / Tech, in the appropriate way according to your version of DCS World.
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: N'importe quel langage
  • Taille: 86.8 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 1359
  • Commentaires: 3
DCS: World 2.5
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - topergood
Date - 14.02.2018 16:09:38
Author Eric and Patrick

With a click in the Mission Editor you have all the 'Carrier Group USS Eisenhower CVN-69', the USS Eisenhower is fully functional, its escort is a scene that makes it even more immersive. A known phenomenon, seen from a certain angle some boats other than the aircraft carrier can disappear but reappear very quickly. A second mod that should please our American friends.
Here is the person we must absolutely thank for the contribution of the magnificent USS Eisenhower (Ike)

- 3D model .... Javier Fernandez thanks to him.
- and also Markindel for his excellent work on ships.
For our care :
Search documentation, coding lua files for the establishment of ships around the aircraft carrier,
Addition of catapult fumes and adjustment of arresting gear.
Facilities: in Save games/ Mods / Tech
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Ne Pas Redistribuer
  • Langue: N'importe quel langage
  • Taille: 152.36 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 4127
  • Commentaires: 16
DCS: World 2.5
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - topergood
Date - 12.02.2018 14:16:09
Author Eric and Patrick
With a click in the Mission Editor you have all the "Carrier Group USS G.W.BUSH CVN 77", the USS G.W.BUSH CVN 77 is fully functional, his escort is a scene to make it even more immersive. We think that will please our American friends and Hawkeye in particular.
We have in project the CAVOUR and its Italian fleet. And this last for our friend Markindel who has provided us with so many beautiful things. We are looking for the L 61 Juan Carlos I to do the Spanish Naval Group if anyone to a Model contact us. (Thank you)
Here are the people we must absolutely thank for the contribution of the aircraft carrier:
USS George HW Bush CVN-77: model of 'Tomcatz'
participations and renovation.
- Anubis
- CdpKobra
- Crazyeddie a big thank you to them.
Addition of smoke from catapults and adjustment of arresting gear by Eric and Patrick.
Installation: in Save games/ Mods / Tech
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Ne Pas Redistribuer
  • Langue: N'importe quel langage
  • Taille: 137.01 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 3829
  • Commentaires: 9
DCS: World 2.1
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - topergood
Date - 05.02.2018 10:16:35
AUTHOR: Eric and Patrick Cuesta

Big thanks to Markindel for his excellent aircraft carrier

对于安装,有必要根据您的DCS World版本以适当的方式将Mod放在“Tech”中。

Here is the Liaoning Chinese Naval Aviation Group in a click on 'ship' in the mission editor
you have the wonderful Liaoning Fleet, for our friends from China. The flagship can do anything
the others are a scene that follows Liaoning. It's fast and it's immersive.
For the installation it is necessary to put the Mod in 'Tech', in the appropriate way according to your version of DCS World.
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: N'importe quel langage
  • Taille: 44.1 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 2078
  • Commentaires: 8
DCS: World 2.1
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - topergood
Date - 02.02.2018 15:30:49
AUTHOR Eric and Patrick Cuesta Big thanks to Markindel and ED for their 3D models.
Вот российская военно-морская авиагруппа Кузнецов, щелкнув «корабль» в редакторе миссии
у вас есть превосходный флот Кузнецова, для наших российских друзей. Флагман может сделать что угодно
другие - сцена, которая следует за КУЗНЕЦОВОМ. Это быстро, и это захватывающе.
Для установки необходимо поместить Mod в «Tech» соответствующим образом в соответствии с вашей версией DCS World.
Here is the Russian Naval Air Group Kuznetsov in a click on 'ship' in the mission editor
you have the superb Kuznetzov Fleet, for our Russian friends. The flagship can do anything
the others are a scene that follows the KUZNETSOV. It's fast and it's immersive.
For the installation it is necessary to put the Mod in 'Tech', in the appropriate way according to your version of DCS World.
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: N'importe quel langage
  • Taille: 27.76 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 1441
  • Commentaires: 0
DCS: World 2.1
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - topergood
Date - 30.01.2018 16:26:26
By Eric and Patrick
With a click in the mission editor you have all the 'Carrier Group of the Charles de Gaulle',

Charles de Gaulle is operational his escort is a scene to make it more immersive. We are also planning to do
'Kuznetsov and his escort' for our Russian friends, the 'Uss Nimitz and his close fleet' for our American friends and for Hawkeye in particular. And the CAVOUR and its fleet

Italian. And this last for our friend Markindel who has provided us with so many beautiful things.
If you have problems or exchange ideas here is my email address:

  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: N'importe quel langage
  • Taille: 88 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 2719
  • Commentaires: 14
DCS: World 2.1
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - topergood
Date - 08.01.2018 16:06:55
Everything you saw in the video presentation or screenshots is in the scene, it's a great first that gave us a huge job. But in two to three clicks, you now have a thousand items. Your only concern will be to position exactly as shown.
Unfortunately Dunkirk is not textured on the map of DCS, it is necessary to find beaches with a height difference of 0 to 3 meters, and there are some.
But we put a typical mission,named (DUNKERQUE 000) you can launch it directly from 'Missions'. before editing. In any case, it's very simple, if you're a little used to the mission editor.
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 289.25 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 1148
  • Commentaires: 0
DCS: World 2.1
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - topergood
Date - 23.12.2017 14:27:00
This is the version and transposition to Normandy of Patrick and Eric Cuesta with the excellent Model our friend Markindel of HMS VICTORIOUS 38 with seafires,(Sorry for seafires landing gear), pilots and crews on deck. This for the pleasure of all and
especially to our British friends.    If planes do not appear on deck download this version (See details for download).
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Ne Pas Redistribuer
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 76.9 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 1404
  • Commentaires: 2
DCS: World 2.0
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - topergood
Date - 19.08.2017 11:02:57
The most famous American aircraft carrier in DCS
Eric et Patrick Cuesta production.
Thank you for the great M3D of Markindel and Cadarth.

Finally a historic aircraft carrier in DCS WORLD. This ship stayed in our boxes for a long time because it was not working. It took us time, but we were able to take off and Landing on aircraft carriers, And we added objects on deck. (Special for Normandy.)
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Ne Pas Redistribuer
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 48.58 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 2201
  • Commentaires: 7
DCS: World 2.0
Type - Mod
Uploaded by - topergood
Date - 10.07.2017 10:14:03
AUTEUR : Eric et Patrick Cuesta

                              MIS A JOUR 01/ DU MOD B-17 MEMPHIS-BELLE/

New liveries "Memphis Belle Green" a mettre dans(To put in) :

------MOD B-17 MEMPHIS BELLE/Mods/aircraft/B17GMB/Liveries/B17GMB

New Damage input to (Replace) :

------MOD B-17 MEMPHIS BELLE/Mods/aircraft/B17GMB/Shapes

Nouvelle Fonction Tourelle, Tir vers le bas quand la soute à bombes est ouverte(replace File lua):

------MOD B-17 MEMPHIS BELLE/Mods/aircraft/B17GMB

    (View screenshots)

ET Voir le Lien de téléchargement de la "Version 00"
Dans Détails
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Ne Pas Redistribuer
  • Langue: N'importe quel langage
  • Taille: 30.98 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 1723
  • Commentaires: 8