A map containing hundreds of waypoints using real world charts and player made ones. The points can only be used by the A-10C for navigation, but can still be used as reference when placing waypoints for other aircraft.
A map containing hundreds of waypoints using real world charts and player made ones. The points can only be used by the A-10C for navigation, but can still be used as reference when placing waypoints for other aircraft.
If you know of waypoints like IR and VR routes, tanker tracks, or target waypoints, reach out to me and I'll add them to the file.
To get the points into a into an already created mission follow the below steps:
1. Take the "mission" file from the .miz you want to add points to and copy+paste it anywhere outside of the .miz (PASTE SOMEWHERE ELSE ASWELL INCASE YOU NEED A BACK UP)
2. Open the "mission" file from Caucasus_Fixes.miz with notepad
3. Use Ctrl+F and search for "nav_points", look for the one after ["blue"].
4. Starting from " [1] =", (including the space before) --highlight everything-- (yes it will take a while) down until, "}, -- end of [###]"
5. Ctrl+C to copy
6. Open the "mission" file you copy+pasted in step 1 with notepad
7. Use Ctrl+F and search for "nav_points", look for the one after ["blue"].
8. Hit enter after
["nav_points"] =
9. Ctrl+V to paste into that space
10. save the file
11. Drag and drop the edited "mission" file back into the .miz of the mission you are adding the points to