F-16C Fuerza Aerea Argentina-VIII Briagada Aerea

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DCS World 2.7
F-16C Viper

F-16C Fuerza Aerea Argentina-VIII Briagada Aerea

Type - Skin
Uploadé par - Chamchullo
Date - 20.07.2022 21:01:09
F-16C Painted around the colors of the Argentine Air Force, specifically on the VIII- Grupo de Caza, Mirage IIIEA Squadron  

F-16C Painted on the colors of the Argentine Air Force colors, specifically on the VIII- Grupo de Caza, Mirage IIIEA Squadron, took me a sweet time to make, so please enjoy
if you find anything wrong (bugged textures) please let me know so i can check it out
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Ne Pas Redistribuer
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 162.32 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 217
  • Commentaires: 0
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