Bell UH-1M

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DCS World 2.7

Bell UH-1M

Type - Mod
Uploadé par - Numnuts
Date - 21.10.2021 19:47:19
Bell UH-1M (Huey Hog)

Helicopter gunship ..... flyable, clcikable, standalone, startup procedure, EFM, fully armed..... etc etc....

Bell UH-1M (Huey Hog)

Helicopter gunship ..... flyable, clcikable, standalone, startup procedure, EFM, fully armed..... etc etc....

Vietcong added to the infantry list in Mission Editor.... for the Vietnam War.

CREDITS : see credit text in folder (Cockpit by Yakarov)

This is a Hi-res cockpit of the Bell UH-1M, with a simpler startup. It is not my intention to replace the UH-1H module by Belsimtek or replicate it in anyway; however there was a perceived desire in the modding community for a fully fledged Vietnam War era helicopter gunship; and so I did the UH1C, then realised that infact the UH1M was a better configuration and carried more here we have the Bell UH-1M.

Startup : look in folder for "UH-1M startup procedure.txt"....... there is a switch to turn on/off hints....

If you want a HiRes cockpit with all the bells and whistles working, please consider buying the UH-1H Huey by Belsimtek, that is an excellent module and gives you the full immersion experience.

This project (UH-1M) was drawn together and completed by Freddy.


****NEW LINK**** 3 March 2022***

  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 779.9 Ko
  • Téléchargé: 3589
  • Commentaires: 27
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