DCSW KA-50 - Single Player Missions (Patch for Game) (v2.7x)

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DCS World 2.7

DCSW KA-50 - Single Player Missions (Patch for Game) (v2.7x)

Type - Mission Solo
Uploadé par - MadDog-IC
Date - 19.07.2021 07:57:46
This is the default Single Missions for the Ka-50 Blackshark that comes with the game by default, that has fixes applied to make missions work as originally intended.

These missions are all Eagle Dynamics original work, but over the course of time, patches, and programming errors have arisen to break the missions, so I have corrected them as best I can and to make them a little more realistic and to work properly.

Install mod
- Copy the "Mods" directory fr om the Downloaded ZIP file into your "..\DCS World\" directory and overwrite all files.
- Run DCS missions fr om DCS as usual

Fixes Done by MadDog-IC

Changelog v1.3 08-07-2021 (DCSW 2.7x Compatability)
- Mission (All)
    - Upd ated - All briefing pictures supplied by (Gornyak).
    - Upd ated - Weather and enabled cloud presets.

Changelog v1.2 19-07-2020 (DCSW 2.56x Compatability)
- Mission (Night Patrol)
    - Corrected - Whole mission and tested.

- Mission (All)    
    - Corrected - All waypoint names to show correctly in ABRIS screen.
    - Corrected - All Helicopters on FARP's parking positions to stop all explosions.

Changelog v1.1 05-09-2019 (DCSW 2.5x Compatability)
- All missions bar (Night Patrol)
    - Corrected and tested.

Changelog v1.0 13-12-2015

Mission - AIR SHOW.miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 25-JUN-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 to match brief.
    - Time:- 08:30
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Triggers
    - Changed - Timings on WP-1 for early, late and on time messaging.

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Fixed - Ka-50 (Player) flight skin to match briefing picture.
    - Fixed - Ka-50 (Formation) flight skin to match briefing picture.
    - Added - Crowds at Mozdok to watch demonstration.
    - Moved RU Bullseye to MOZDOK AFB
    - Moved US Bullseye to BATUMI

- Target Points
    - TP1 - Collection (44*50'7"E / 43*47'21"N)
    - TP2 - Story (44*43'37"E / 43*47'25"N)
    - TP3 - Dissolution (44*23'21"E / 43*47'31"N)

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
    - Changed - Wind 180 degrees to make aircraft take off and land the correct way.
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Light Scattered 2, Base=1300m).
------------------------ DONE

Mission - ALTITUDE.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for Command=Kira, RU Mi-8 (501)=David, RU Ka-50 (Player)=Maddog-IC
    - Changed - Trigger zones and removed faulty logic of Flag 1=ON for SAM1-7
    - Changed - Order of SAM Site activation, 4 on way out and 3 on way back in.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - Ka-50 and Mi-8 flight path and altitudes to match mission descriptions
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - Random Sam1-7 - Start day to same as mission start and turned on Late activation to get them working again.
    - Changed - RU Mi8-1 and RU Mi8-2 skins to correct Russian Army.
    - Not Changed - Position of FARPS in DCS 1.2 version XXXX

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 08-OCT-2009 - Changed from 07-SEP-2011 to match brief.
    - Time:- 08:15
    - Updated - Briefing Pictures for EN, RU, ES.
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES.

- Triggers
    - Changed - Alpha LZ and Bravo LZ zones from 30m to 100m

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Changed - RU Mi8-1 and RU Mi8-2 skins to correct Russian Army.
    - Moved - RU SAM1 out of trees. (43"23'8*N / 43"37'8*E) and renamed from RU SAM7
    - Moved - RU SAM2 out of trees. (43"22'13*N / 43"33'37*E)
    - Moved - RU SAM3 out of trees. (43"12'34*N / 43"29'59*E)
    - Moved - RU SAM4 out of trees. (43"09'34*N / 43"33'17*E)
    - Moved - RU SAM5 out of trees. (43"06'33*N / 43"23'22*E)
    - Moved - RU SAM6 out of trees. (43"20'18*N / 43"16'17*E)
    - Moved - RU SAM7 out of trees. (43"20'29*N / 43"39'54*E) and renamed from RU SAM1
    - Moved - RU FARP (Vetka) out of trees. (43"31'3*N / 43"38'20*E)
    - Moved - RU FARP (Kalitka) out of trees. (43"31'7*N / 43"38'31*E)
    - Moved - RU FARP (Otkrytka) out of trees. (43"31'11*N / 43"38'41*E)
    - Corrected all Static aircraft on (NALCHIK)
    - Moved RU Bullseye to VERH BALKARIVA
    - Moved US Bullseye to PROHLADNIY

- Target Points
    - TP1 - OT-1 : LZ (43*16'21"E / 43*55'43"N)
    - Removed - TP2 - OT-2 (43*13'11"E / 42*58'57"N)
    - Removed - TP3 - OT-3 (43*35'42"E / 43*21'35"N)

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Scattered 1, Base=3800m).
------------------------ DONE

Mission - BATTLE.miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - Late activations for units to match up with triggers
    - Changed - Fire Teams on RU MLRS AND US MLRS to lim it rockets and FPS impact.

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 01-AUG-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 (Winter 15')
    - Time:- 09:00
    - Updated - Briefing Pictures for EN, RU, ES, DE.
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Scoring

- Triggers

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Changed - RUS MI-24 01 and 02 Skins back to Russian from Georgian.
    - Changed - RUS KA-50 (Player) skins back to Russian Army from Night.
    - Moved RUS BTR-80 01 out of trees.
    - Moved RUS SAU AKATSIA 03 out of trees.
    - Moved US HMMWV 01 out of trees.
    - Moved US LAV-25 01 out of trees.
    - Moved US M1 01 out of trees.
    - Moved US M1 03 out of trees.
    - Moved US M109 01 out of trees.
    - Moved US M1126 04 out of trees.
    - Moved US M1134 02 out of trees.
    - Moved US VULCAN 02 out of trees.
    - Moved RU Bullseye to MIHAYLOVSKOE LAKE
    - Moved US Bullseye to ATIPSIP LAKE

- Target Points
    - TP1 - 38*40'53"E / 44*52'25"N

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(High Scattered 2, Base=1300m).
------------------------ DONE

- Triggers
    - Added Voice Overs
    - Changed Flag logic and scenarios of which there are 4 to work correctly.
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts se t to cas -a -x and Engage in zones se t.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed corrupt "Fire at Zones" for All artillery
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - All units to "late start" that had triggers to active them.

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 01-SEP-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 (Fall 20')
    - Time:- 08:30
    - Upd ated - Briefing Pictures for EN, RU, ES.
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES.

- Translation Errors
    - (BUG) - *** (All missing RU, CN, CS, ES language translations needed for Triggers)
        - ONCE (Mission Failure, No EVENT) -> Message to ALL
        - ONCE (Mission Success, No EVENT) -> Message to ALL

- Scoring
    - Added - RU Convoy (Gets Through) = 60, INS TKCHARVELI 01,02,03 or 04 DEAD = 40

- Triggers
    - Added - Clear Trees zones 1-8 to make map like original.
    - Changed - ONCE (Mission Failure) -> Message to ALL.
    - Changed - ONCE (Mission Success) -> Message to ALL.

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Changed - RU KA-50 (Player) skins back to Russian Army from Demo.
    - Changed - RU KA-50 (Departing) skins back to Russian Army from Demo.
    - Changed - RU Mi-24v (Arriving) #001 skins back to Russian Army from Georgian.
    - Changed - RU Mi-24v (Arriving) #002 skins back to Russian Army from Georgian.
    - Moved INS INF CITY PATROL out of trees.
    - Moved INS INF GROUP (SCEN 16) #001 out of trees.
    - Moved INS INF GROUP (SCEN 16) #002 out of trees.
    - Moved INS INF GROUP (SCEN 16) #003 out of trees.
    - Moved INS INF SAM HAWK out of trees.
    - Moved INS TKVARCHELI GROUP #001 out of trees.
    - Moved INS TKVARCHELI GROUP #002 out of trees.
    - Moved INS TKVARCHELI GROUP #003 out of trees.
    - Moved INS TKVARCHELI GROUP #004 out of trees.
    - Moved RU ARTY #001 out of trees.
    - Moved RU ARTY #002 out of trees.
    - Moved RU Left Flank out of trees.
    - Moved RU Ochamchira Assault inf #001 out of trees.
    - Moved RU Ochamchira Assault inf #002 out of trees.
    - Moved RU Ochamchira Assault inf #003 out of trees.
    - Fixed - RU FARP (HomePlate)
    - Fixed - INS FARP (London) and moved out of trees.
    - Moved RU Bullseye to TKCHARVELI
    - Moved US Bullseye to POKVESH

- Target Points
    - TP1 - (INS HAWK SAM) - 41*39'57"E / 42*51'16"N

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Light Scattered 1, Base=840m).
------------------------ DONE (Lots of work, logic was bad) (BUG)

Mission - CONVOY HUNT.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs (Win=Convoy DEAD)
- Waypoints
- Units
    - Changed - Ka-50 (Player) fuel from 100% to 80%

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 02-JUN-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 (Summer 10')
    - Time:- 14:30
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Convoy1 or Convoy2 or Convoy3 Win = (100), Loss=(17,16,17)

- Triggers
    - Changed - Target Area Message from 6100m to 10000m to alert sooner.
    - Changed - Convoy 1,2,3 obj from "Unit in Zone" to "Part of Group in Zone"

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All Convoys 1-3 waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Moved G-AAA-01 out of trees.
    - Moved G-AAA-02 out of trees.
    - Moved G-AAA-03 out of trees.
    - Moved G-AAA-04 out of trees.
    - Moved G-AAA-06 out of trees.
    - Moved G-AAA-07 out of trees.
    - Moved G-AAA-09 out of trees.
    - Moved G-AAA-10 out of trees.
    - Corrected all Static aircraft on (KOBULETI)
    - Moved RU Bullseye to KOBULETI OLD X RUNWAYS
    - Moved US Bullseye to BATUMI

- Target Points

- INU Fix Points
    - 0*43'55"E / 0*43'50"N
    - 0*43'47"E / 0*43'47"N
    - 0*43'46"E / 0*43'48"N
    - 0*43'51"E / 0*43'51"N

- Weather
    - Changed - Wind 180 degrees to make aircraft take off and land the correct way.
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Scattered 4, Base=1700m).
------------------------ DONE

Mission - COURIER.miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 10-SEP-2011 - Changed from 30-AUG-2011 (Fall 21')
    - Time:- 07:41 - Changed from 06:41
    - Upd ated - Briefing Pictures for EN, RU, ES, DE.
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, FR.

- Scoring

- Triggers

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - UAZ Vehicle waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Corrected all Static aircraft on (NOVOROSSIYSK)
    - Corrected all Static aircraft on (GELENDZHIK)
    - Moved RU Bullseye to (NOVOROSSIYSK)
    - Moved US Bullseye to (TEMRYUK)

- Target Points

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
    - Changed - Presipitation to 9 from 7 and rain to thunderstorm.
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Overcast and Rain 1, Base=700m).
------------------------ DONE (Can't do AI COMMANDS to mimic human flyer)

Mission - DEATH VALLEY.miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 05-JUL-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 (Summer 33')
    - Time:- 16:20
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Scoring

- Triggers

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Moved G-AAA-01 out of trees.
    - Moved RU-ARTY out of trees.
    - Moved US IFV 1 out of trees.
    - Corrected all Static aircraft on (BATUMI)
    - Moved RU Bullseye to CHAKVA
    - Moved US Bullseye to BATUMI DOCKS

- Target Points
    - TP1 - 41*43'55"E / 41*43'8"N
    - TP2 - 41*44'52"E / 41*43'16"N

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
------------------------ DONE

Mission - GAUNTLET.miz
- Triggers
    - Added Voice Overs
- Waypoints
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 23-SEP-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 (Fall 28')
    - Time:- 13:45
    - Updated - Briefing Pictures for EN, RU.
    - Corrected - RU, DE and ES Locales.
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Translation Errors
    - Corrected - All missing ES language translations needed for Briefing.
        - SORTE TEXT
        - SITUATION Text
        - RED TASK Text

- Scoring
    - Changed - Due to not working, Added flags for Goal1=25, Goal2=25, Goal3=25, Goal4=25.

- Triggers
    - Changed - RU KA-50 (Player) flight Targets to zones (1,2,3 and 4) from (2,3,4 and 5).

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Changed - All Heights for G ATTACK HELO, US ATTACK HELO, RU-KA-50 (Player), US STAGE 1 HELO.
    - Moved 1-BRDM-1 out of trees.    
    - Moved 1-INFANTRY-1 out of trees.
    - Moved 1-INFANTRY-2 out of trees.
    - Moved 2-ARTY out of trees.
    - Moved 2-SA13-1 out of trees.
    - Moved 2-SA13-2 out of trees.
    - Moved 2-SA9-1 out of trees.
    - Moved 2-SA9-2 out of trees.
    - Moved 2-SHILKA-1 out of trees.
    - Moved 2-SHILKA-2 out of trees.
    - Moved 2-TANK-1 out of trees.
    - Moved 3-AVENGER 1 out of trees.
    - Moved 3-AVENGER 2 out of trees.
    - Moved 3-INFANTRY 1 out of trees.
    - Moved 3-INFANTRY 2 out of trees.
    - Moved 3-STINGER 2 out of trees.
    - Moved 3-STRYKER 1 out of trees.
    - Moved 3-VULCAN-2 out of trees.
    - Moved 4-CHAP-1 out of trees.
    - Moved 4-M1 2 out of trees.
    - Moved RU Bullseye to SENAKI LAKE
    - Moved US Bullseye to BATUMI DOCKS

- Target Points

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Light Scattered 1, Base=2300m).
------------------------ DONE

Mission - HARD DAY.miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 24-SEP-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 (Summer 20')
    - Time:- 20:00
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Scoring

- Triggers

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Corrected all Static aircraft on (KRYMSK)
    - Moved RU Bullseye to ABINSK
    - Moved US Bullseye to ANAPA

- Target Points

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
    - Changed - Fog to enabled as perameters wh ere se t.
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Overcast and Rain 2, Base=2000m) from 1500m.
------------------------ DONE

Mission - HELICOPTER OPS.miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
- Units

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 21-FEB-1992
    - Time:- 09:00
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN.

- Scoring
    - Added -

- Triggers
    - Moved - RED Start zone to match FARP Relocations.
    - Moved - BLUE Start zone to match FARP Relocations.

- Waypoints

- Units
    - Moved AB FARP (Vetka) out of trees.
    - Moved AB FARP (Vetka) Support out of trees.
    - Moved GE FARP (London) out of trees.
    - Moved GE FARP (London) Support out of trees.
    - Moved GE FARP (Rome) out of trees.
    - Moved GE FARP (Rome) Support out of trees.

- Target Points

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
    - Enabled - Fog as it had a parameter se t to 300.
    - Changed - Clouds Base=800m from 500m (Was to hard for Helo AI to target anything).
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Overcast 1 and rain, Base=800m) from 500m.
------------------------ DONE (No Trigger Logic Checked)

Mission - NIGHT PATROL.miz
- Triggers
    - Not Added - Voice Overs XXXX
- Scoring
    - Changed - (Start=50, Loss=-50, Win=100)
- Triggers
    - Added - New Task Generator to assign (Alpha, Bravo or Charlie) missions.
    - Changed - ALPHA Approach Zone from 1500 to 5000m and repositioned.
    - Changed - BRAVO Approach Zone from 1500 to 8000m and repositioned.
    - Changed - CHARLIE Approach Zone from 1500 to 5000m and repositioned.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - Alpha_UAZ vehicle speeds to 50kph to fix tracking issue.
    - Changed - Alpha_VAZ vehicle speeds to 45kph to fix tracking issue.
    - Changed - Alpha_KAMAZ vehicle speeds to 50kph to fix tracking issue.
    - Changed - Bravo_UAZ vehicle speeds to 50kph to fix tracking issue.
    - Changed - Bravo_VAZ vehicle speeds to 45kph to fix tracking issue.
    - Changed - Bravo_KAMAZ vehicle speeds to 50kph to fix tracking issue.
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - Charlie_Rus_Medivac so MTLB at back of convoy to fix road following.
    - Not Changed - Position of Charlie Task (Ambush) in DCS 1.2 version XXXX

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 07-SEP-2009 - Changed from 07-SEP-2011 to match brief (Fall 2')
    - Time:- 03:00
    - Upd ated - Briefing Pictures for EN, RU, ES, DE.
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Scoring
    - Changed - (Start=50, Loss=-50, Win=100)

- Triggers
    - Added - Clear Tree #001 - #0015 zones to remove trees.

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Moved Alpha - Rebel #3 SAM out of trees.
    - Moved Alpha - Rebel #4 SAM out of trees.
    - Moved Alpha - Rebel #5 SAM out of trees.
    - Moved Random SAM #1 out of trees.
    - Moved Random SAM #3 out of trees.
    - Moved Random RPG #1 out of trees.
    - Moved Random RPG #2 out of trees.
    - Corrected all Static RU aircraft on (MAYKOP)
    - Moved RU Bullseye to KUTAIS
    - Moved US Bullseye to KRASNODAR

- Target Points
    - In Mission ALPHA Target = 44*27'22"N / 39*23'14"E   172 from 180 DEGREES
    - In Mission BRAVO Target = 44*20'13"N / 39*16'38"E   156 from 150 DEGREES
    - In Mission CHARLIE Target = 44*42'06"N / 39*01'05"E 290 from 290 DEGREES

- INU Fix Points (IFX)
    - IFX01 = 39*09'35"E / 44*40'05"N

- Weather
    - Changed - Wind direction 180 degrees to place player on waypoint course.
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Light Scattered 1, Base=2000m).
------------------------ DONE (Night 03:00)

Mission - PATROL.miz
- Triggers
    - Added Voice Overs
- Waypoints
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 02-DEC-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 to match (Winter -2')
    - Time:- 12:15 - Changed from 17:00
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Scoring
    - Added - MB1 25% Destroyed = 25, MB1 50% Destroyed = 25, MB1 75% Destroyed = 25. MB1 DEAD = 100

- Triggers

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Moved SAM STINGER 01 out of trees.
    - Moved SAM STINGER 02 out of trees.
    - Moved SAM STINGER 03 out of trees.
    - Moved SAM STINGER 04 out of trees.
    - Moved SAM STINGER 05 out of trees.
    - Moved SAM STINGER 06 out of trees.
    - Moved SAM STINGER 07 out of trees.
    - Moved SAM STINGER 08 out of trees.
    - Moved SAM STINGER 09 out of trees.
    - Moved SAM STINGER 10 out of trees.
    - Moved RU Bullseye to CHAKVA
    - Moved US Bullseye to BATUMI DOCKS

- Target Points

- INU Fix Points
    - 0*43'54"E / 0*43'33"N

- Weather
    - Changed - Fog Thickness=330m from 30m and Visibility=1000m from 20.
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Overcast 1, Base=1300m) from 300.
------------------------ DONE

Mission - RELOCATION.miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Fixed - Snapped ALL VEHICLES TO ROAD
    - Fixed - All corrupt FARPS not rendering in game by replacing missing names and frequencies.
    - Fixed - All corrupt Artillery - Fire at zone.         
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - All Flight callsigns to match briefing.
    - Changed - All flights fuel loadout to lighten as they were overloaded.

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 18-JUL-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 to match brief.
    - Time:- 07:00
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Scoring

- Triggers
    - Corrected - "Arrived at FARP (Otkrytka)" from 850 to 1400m to encompass new FARP locations.
    - Corrected - Missing "Flag ON=7" in "Р-279, понял вас, счастливого полета" trigger.

- Waypoints
    - Changed - Some flights speeds and altitudes for smoother flight path.
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Corrected - G ARTY 1, G ARTY 2 and G ARTY 3 Firing Zones.
    - Moved RU FARP (Vetka) out of trees.
    - Moved RU FARP (Yunga) out of trees.
    - Moved RU FARP (Shpora) out of trees.
    - Moved RU FARP (Kalitka) out of trees.
    - Moved RU FARP (Torba) out of trees.
    - Moved RU FARP (Otkrytka) out of trees.
    - Moved RU FARP (Kaemka) out of trees.
    - Moved RU FARP (Podkova) out of trees.
    - Moved RU FARP (Skala) out of trees.
    - Moved RU FARP (Kapel) out of trees.
    - Corrected all Static Units on (SUKHUMI)
    - Moved RU Bullseye to OCHAMCHIRA
    - Moved US Bullseye to SUKHUMI AFB

- Target Points

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Broken 5, Base=300m).

- Moved big complicated stuff
    - RU FARP (Vetka) at 43*26'22"N / 39*56'14"E
    - RU FARP (Yunga) at 43*26'19"N / 39*56'29"E
    - RU FARP (Shpora) at 43*26'4"N / 39*55'58"E
    - RU FARP (Kalitka) at 43*26'0"N / 39*56'13"E
    - RU FARP (Torba) at 42*51'53"N / 41*6'34"E
    - RU FARP (Otkrytka) at 42*51'22"N / 41*7'43"E
    - RU FARP (Kaemka) at 42*51'46"N / 41*6'27"E
    - RU FARP (Podkova) at 42*51'14"N / 41*7'37"E
    - RU FARP (Scala) at 42*36'25"N / 41*38'26"E
    - RU FARP (Kapel) at 42*36'21"N / 41*38'45"E
------------------------ DONE

Mission - SHOOTING RANGE.miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 24-SEP-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 (Summer 20')
    - Time:- 19:25
    - Updated - Briefing Pictures for EN, RU.
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Scoring

- Triggers

- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Corrected all Static aircraft on (KRYMSK)
    - Moved RU Bullseye to VARNAVINSKEE
    - Moved US Bullseye to NOVOROSSIYSK

- Target Points

- INU Fix Points

- Weather
    - Changed - Fog to enabled as parameters were se t.
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Scattered 1, Base=1500m).
------------------------ DONE

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Fixed Airport Coalitions
- Units

- DCSW v2.5x Compatibility
- Briefing
    - Date:- 18-MAR-2011 - Changed from 01-JUN-2011 (Spring 2')
    - Time:-19:15 - Changed from 19:30 to get same lighting as original
    - Updated - Briefing Pictures for EN, RU, ES, DE.
    - not Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE.

- Scoring

- Triggers
    - Added - Clear all trees for the INS CAMP ESCAPE pathing to highway.

- Waypoints
    - Changed - RU KA-50 (Player) heights to clear trees and mountains.
    - Changed - RU MI-8 MEDIVAC heights to clear trees and mountains.
    - Snapped - All Convoys waypoints to road.
    - Snapped - All take off and landing waypoints to runway.

- Units
    - Added - INS ESCAPE corrupted missing vehicles.
    - Changed - INS MINES to correct positions for effect.
    - Moved INS CAMP out of trees.
    - Moved INS CAMP SUPPORT out of trees.
    - Moved INS CAMP ESCAPE out of trees to 42*31'17"N / 43*45'52"E.
    - Moved INS ZSU CAMP-01 out of trees to 42*31'50"N / 43*45'18"E.
    - Moved INS ZSU CAMP-02 out of trees to 42*30'38"N / 43*46'19"E.
    - Moved INS ROAD CAMP out of trees to 42*31'38"N / 43*38'58"E.
    - Moved RU DOWNED CHOPPER out of trees to 42*32'1"N / 43*39'29"E.
    - Moved RU FARP (Kalitka) out of trees to 43*6'36"N / 43*26'13"E.
    - Moved RU Bullseye to COBET
    - Moved US Bullseye to CHASAVALI

- Target Points
    - TP1 - 43*38'35"E / 42*31'27"N

- INU Fix Points
- Weather
    - Added - Clouds Preset=(Broken 5, Base=300m).

- Moved big complicated stuff
    - arv bdrm-2, gaz-3308, maz-6303, gaz-66
    - Unit #112, Unit #113, Unit #114, Unit #123
    - INS CAMP at 42*31'49"N / 43*46'48"E
    - INS CAMP SUPPORT #012 at 42*31'20"N / 43*46'48"E
    - INS CAMP ESCAPE at 42*31'50"N / 43*45'18"E
    - INS ZSU CAMP-01 at 42*31'50"N / 43*45'18"E
    - INS ZSU CAMP-02 at 42*30'38"N / 43*46'19"E    
    - INS ROAD CAMP at 42*31'38"N / 43*38'58"E
    - RU DOWNED CHOPPER at 42*32'1"N / 43*39'29"E
    - RU FARP (Kalitka) at 43*6'36"N / 43*26'13"E
    - (BUG) Mines do no damage to troops or vehicles - Reported and corrected. (BUG)
------------------------ DONE
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 43.36 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 818
  • Commentaires: 6