Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS Hotas profile for the Mirage M-2000C

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DCS: World 2.5

Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS Hotas profile for the Mirage M-2000C

Type - Profils
Uploadé par - rhpuppi
Date - 13.05.2020 19:52:24
A very complete and intuitive profile for the DCS M-2000C, with reserved keys for SRS.

Almost all commands are configured on the stick and throttle units, with the help of a modifier button. This set was created to use with Thrustmaster's FCS rudder pedals and TrackIR or other head tracking/VR solutions. The goal is to take your hands as minimum as necessary form the Hotas during the flight.<br />
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Before using this profile, make sure to configure the selected button on throttle (Button 2/pinky) as a modifier inside DCS controls configuration.<br />
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Version 1.0 (13-May-2020):<br />
Initial version for use with M-2000C in DCS Release Version. At this time the M-2000C module in DCS Beta includes some differents key maps, so you can change as necessary for use in the Beta. The file includes profile and printable sheet with visualization of all the commands as configured on DCS. In case you don't have rudder pedals, manually change the Stick slider to act as the brake axis (as visually referenced in the sheet) and double check the rudder action on the twist axis of the stick. <br />
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Future changes might be adressed by minor updates.
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 1.51 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 2246
  • Commentaires: 5