F-14B Tomcat's AWG-9 Radar Main Modes (Single Page with BRV & WVR Info)

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DCS: World 2.5
F-14 Tomcat

F-14B Tomcat's AWG-9 Radar Main Modes (Single Page with BRV & WVR Info)

Type - Document
Uploadé par - mcpraxed
Date - 28.01.2020 00:54:37
I transported Chuck's Guide Radar Modes to the Kneeboard, so thanks to him!

Paste it on:

C:\Users\Username\Saved Games\DCS\Kneeboard\F-14B

If the folder don't exist, create it.


Transportei para o Kneeboard os Modos de Radar traduzidos originalmente pelo Chuck, então agradecimentos a ele!

Colar em:

C:\Usuários\Seu Usuário\Jogos Salvos\DCS\Kneeboard\F-14B

Se a pasta não existir, crie-a.
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: N'importe quel langage
  • Taille: 327.61 Ko
  • Téléchargé: 1595
  • Commentaires: 2
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