P-51D Bomber Escort

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DCS: World 2.5
P-51D Mustang

P-51D Bomber Escort

Type - Mission Solo
Uploadé par - ECMO1
Date - 16.09.2018 01:59:20
Lead a Division of four P-51D escorting a formation of sixteen B-17G across the English Channel to bomb an airfield on the occupied French coastline. You are assisted by two divisions of AI Spitfires and will face randomly generated interceptors throughout the flight. The threat will change each time you fly the mission. If luck is with you, you'll face only six interceptors. But, you could face as many as twenty two!!

This is a simple bomber escort mission I put together to learn how bomber formations work. The ground forces and number of aircraft are kept to a small number to minimize impact on game performance. But, I think it's a fun mission to just jump into.

"Jerry holds the coastal areas including all airfields. He's building up supplies and forces along the coast. Enfield will bomb Sainte-Laurent-sur-Mer IOT destroy German materiel staged on the airfield.
Colt and Springfield will escort Enfield into the target and ensure they are protected through egress. Expect Pontiac to rendezvous with Enfield IVO Sommervieu to support the flight home. Keep up with the bomber flight! Escorting them is mission priority. Don't let Jerry distract you.
Anticipate enemy fighters at any time while south of mid-channel. Flak is also expected at any time over the French coastline. Resistance will likely increase the closer we get to the target. We're certain to get Jerry's attention once our bombs start dropping. If he doesn't hit us on our way in, he'll hit us for sure on our way out!"
Friendly Forces:
Colt Flight:  4 X P-51D (Player); Bomber Escort on ingress (To Target)
Springfield Flight: 4 X Spitfire; Bomber Escort on ingress (To Target)
Enfield Flight: 16 X B-17G; Bomber Flight; 25K'
Pontiac Flight: 4 X Spitfire;  Bomber Escort on egress (Post Bombing)
Communications: Package Common Freq: 124MHz (Button A)
Bullseye: Saint Pierre du Mont
Blue Tasks:
Colt & Springfield: Escort Enfield across the English Channel to bomb the airfield at Sainte-Laurent-sur-Mer.
Pontiac: Rendezvous with Enfield IVO Sommervieu and escort our boys back to British airspace.
Enfield: Bomb Sainte-Laurent-sur-Mer IOT destroy German materiel staged on the airfield.
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 25.6 Ko
  • Téléchargé: 2051
  • Commentaires: 0