Operation Fury Single Player

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DCS: World 2.5
A-10C Warthog

Operation Fury Single Player

Type - Mission Solo
Uploadé par - irishlad200000
Date - 23.03.2018 15:50:58
Single player mission.  You are part of a 2 aircraft A10C Flight.  This is a direct attack on an ISIS Training Camp.  On route expect other tasks to pop up!  Voice acting included.

Islamic State have begun insurgent operations in the villages NW of Sochi.  They are intent on killing incident civilians and have done so already on a massive scale.  

Intel from 22 SAS has identified a training camp in the mountains to the North Western side of Sochi.  It is believed that ISIS from the camp have been performing illegal vehicle check points on a bridge MGRS: 37T FJ 02885 37590.  

# 2 PLT, A Coy, 75 Ranger Battalion was sent to the area to engage the hostiles on the bridge.  The CH47 transport they were in was downed by AAA at 12:42hrs and it is believed that there are no survivors at the crash site.

Delta 20B (US Recon SF PLT 8 Pax) were crashed out to the area of Esto-Sadok at 13:00hrs to the crash site at the bridge in x2 HMMWV’s.  Listen out for them on 30.00MHZ

Be aware 22 SAS (C/S Bravo 20) are on a hilltop NW of the bridge providing overwatch.  They have confirmed that there is a section strength unit of ISIS and at least 1 unit of AAA at the bridge. 22 SAS have provided one rough image taken by a drone, which shows the layout of the bridge.  Be aware as you near the 22 SAS over watch position, they will pop blue smoke to prevent friendly fire.  They have confirmed the bridge is 6nm SW of their position

Command has authorised 1x flight of 2 A10C's to investigate the area and to push on to the terrorist camp and to neutralise it.

# Be aware intel suggests ISIS have a large vehicle born I.E.D near to their training camp.  It is believed they intend to use this in the village north of their camp.

Note:  You will need to rearm and refuel when the mission starts.  LALT and ' to open menu.  Make sure you follow the flight path!

Happy Hunting!
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Ne Pas Redistribuer
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 14.3 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 2700
  • Commentaires: 2