Defend the Storage Depot 2.5b3 Caucasus

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Defend the Storage Depot 2.5b3 Caucasus

Uploadé par - Wizard1393
Date - 14.01.2016 22:13:30
Defend the Storage Depot 2 - By Jinx

A CAP and CAS MP mission with objectives that will keep going forever or until you slack off.
In Defend the Storage Depot CAP flights have to defend a storage depot from hostile bombers and adjoining fighters, whilst CAS roles keep busy fighting off random groups of attacking ground forces.

Defend the Storage Depot 2 - by Jinx


Intel suggests the Russians are mounting some sort of attack sortie against our temporary storage depot which holds a great deal of equipment soon to be further routed to different bases and outposts in the region.

American, Georgian and Ukranian flights are scrambling in a joint effort to defend the depot and the Georgian territory.


Defend the storage depot at WPT1 (ALSO BULLSEYE) from incoming threats. Take off and get to the objective area. When arriving in the vicinity, request a tasking according to your flight task (through the radio F10 menu options) and execute any tasking you are be given. Stay on your toes and keep eyes wide open.

Transport flights take off from Senaki-Kolkhi. Your mission is following: Go to FARP London (125AM) and set down close, but not ON the pad (pad is reserved for attack helicoters and may not be used by transports. Load up what is needed at your own disgretion (F10 CTLD sub menus). Priority should be to deliver an Avenger unit close to the depot for some extra protection against any air attacks.
You can find the depot by homing in on 35FM, but it's really easy to find. Its 4km east (080) of Kutaisi, you can't miss it.

AWACS DARKSTAR is enroute and will be watching the airspace. He's reachable on 124Mhz AM (Default Preset in MiG-21's) and will relay any air threat(s) for CAP flights to deal with.

TANKER 'Texaco' (KC-135) is enroute and will be stationed on a racetrack along the mountain range stretching from Kobuleti to the east. Texaco is reachable on radio 251Mhz AM. Texaco can also be located on TACAN 45X.

TANKER '900'  (IL-78) will be flying close to the same track as Texaco, supplying funnel refueling type aircraft refueling possibility.

AFAC PONTIAC is enroute and will loiter above the objective area to keep an eye out for hostile ground movement.
You can reach him on 33Mhz FM for guidance towards any ground targets. If he is shot down, you may request another drone to be sent up.

Intel suggests the Russians have moved up two SAM-sites past the border and into Georgian territory in the mountains.
Keep your eyes on your RWR and don't stray too close to SAM radar signals. SEAD flights Uzi 1 (Batumi) and Uzi 2 (Vaziani) are tasked to destroy these SAM's, making it possible for our own CAP to move our defensive line further north.

It is imperative that the entire sites are destroyed since they have command and control units as well as supply and repair capabilities. Leaving the site not completely  destroyed will most certainly lead to them having the site fully operational again within the hour.

Credit to Grimes and Speed for the MiST library, Ciribob for his amazing work on the CTLD script and Geloxo for his original work on the CTTS script!
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 1.77 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 2892
  • Commentaires: 14
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