El F-86F Sabre diseñado por North American fue el caza occidental más capaz desde principios a mediados de la década de 1950. Este caza monomotor con alas en flecha fue el avión occidental más importante de la Guerra de Corea y a menudo se enfrentó a los MiG-15 de fabricación rusa en el infame "Callejón de los MiG". Fue una dura lucha no sólo por el cielo coreano, sino también entre dos excelentes constructores de aviones de Oriente y Occidente. Además de su función principal como caza aire-aire, el Sabre también podía llevar bombas y cohetes aire-tierra para atacar objetivos terrestres.
La simulación del Sabre por Belsimtek es la recreación más auténtica de este famoso pájaro de guerra hasta la fecha. Siente lo que es pilotar el Sabre con un modelo de vuelo profesional, una cabina interactiva, armas totalmente funcionales, un detallado modelo de daños y un avión profundamente detallado. Experimenta los puntos fuertes y débiles del Sabre en combate y descubre por qué los pilotos de caza experimentados suelen recordar el Sabre como el avión más divertido que han volado.
Como parte de DCS World, pilota el F-86F Sabre en un entorno de combate totalmente realista, con sistemas de armas operativos y amenazas aéreas y terrestres capaces.
The F-86, produced by the North American Aviation, is undoubtedly one of the most famous aircraft of the second half of the 20th century. It is not only famous for its outstanding performance, but also its wide use in various armed conflicts. The successful use of the aircraft during the Korean War, where the Sabre got nicknamed the MiG Killer, made the aircraft a commercial success. The F-86 was supplied to more than 30 countries and was in operational service up to the early 1970's. The F-86 won more than 900 victories in dogfights. No other jet-propelled aircraft has ever achieved that. In addition to its role as an air-to-air fighter, the Sabre was also used as a strike aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, target aircraft, as well as a platform for testing systems and weapons. Its modifications are as follows: XF-86, YF-86A, F-86A, DF-86A, RF-86A, F-86B, F-86C, YF-86D, F-86D/L, F-86E, F-86E(M), QF-86E, F-86F, QF-86F, RF -86F, TF -86 F, YF-86H, F-86H, QF-86H. More than 9,800 Sabres were produced (of all the modifications). Follow-on updates and the perfecting of its armaments and avionics continued throughout the aircraft production period; for this reason, within the framework of one modification there are several various series. In this simulation we have modeled the F-86F modification of series 35, which is one of the latest series of the "F" modifications.
The cockpit of the F-86F series 35 was implemented with the maximum possible level of precision. The instruments, instrument panels, aircraft systems control panels, and controls were designed using high resolution textures and animations. The pilot's camera in the Sabre virtual cockpit has six degrees of freedom, which makes a player feel like they are in the real cockpit. The cockpit also supports Oculus VR.
To simplify the mastering of the virtual cockpit, all the elements are equipped with cues appearing when you pass the mouse over them.
The 3D Sabre model is implemented to the same high quality standards and best traditions of our designers; it is highly detailed using multitexture maps, normal maps, and specular maps, all the control surfaces are accurately animated.
Our F-86F model is the virtual copy of this famous aircraft in the truest sense of the word. The external model and the cockpit have been scrupulously simulated. As with all of our products, a very detailed simulation of the engine and flight dynamics is also included. This allows us to attain a very close correspondence between the operational and physical characteristics and all the peculiarities of F-86F Sabre flight behaviour. Employment of all the weapon systems (machine guns, rockets, bombs) is possible during various combat missions.