DCS: Spitfire LF Mk.IX and DCS: Normandy 1944 Map Updates

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6 jul
DCS World War II has two great updates this week! The first is the addition of several new features to the Spitfire. These include a new clipped wing version, slipper and torpedo fuel tanks, the ability to carry bombs, and continued to refinements to the flight dynamics. Together, these new features give the Spitfire longer legs and a more diverse mission capability. With these additions, we are pleased to announce that the Spitfire is now feature complete and out of early access.

The second big DCS World War II element is a substantial update to the Normandy 1944 map. The biggest improvements being updated and more accurate airfields, new concrete runways for appropriate airfields, shallow water effects, new objects like windmills and scattered farm houses, smoother beach transitions, regional specific bridges, and improved performance.

Another three elements currently in development, that will also improve the DCS World II experience is the new damage model, an improved sighting system, and improved dogfight AI!

DCS World 2.5 Update

This week we released many new features and fixes for DCS World and several modules. You can read the complete change log in the dedicated thread on the forum.

DCS: L-39 Albatros: Kursant Campaign, Available on Steam

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