Happy Holidays!

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29 dec

We at Eagle Dynamics would like to wish you all a wonderful holiday and a great 2018! 2017 has proved to be a great year for DCS World with the release of several great modules like the Normandy 1944 Map, the updated Su-33, the AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL, the AJS-37 Viggen, many fantastic campaigns, new objects and units for the DCS World maps like the World War II AI units, the NS 430, improvements to the mission editor and VR, and many, many more.

We and our partners plan even bigger and better things for 2018 to include:

We will also be working on improvements to clouds, explosions with improved proximity damage, virtual reality, spotting system, network play, Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR), air-to-air missiles, and performance optimization with the inclusion of the Vulkan API. In parallel, we will continue to support and improve our existing modules.

With the pending release of DCS World 2.5 which will unify our projects and several exiting new modules, we see 2018 as being a great year to be a DCS World fan!