DCS 1.5.6 and A-10C Stone Shield campaign

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10 feb

After a couple weeks of Open Beta testing, we are pleased to release DCS World 1.5.6 today. In addition to new changes to 1.5.6 like a new a MiG-29S model, improved VR functionality, and many other items, 1.5.6 also includes numerous changes to several modules like the AJS-37 Viggen, Spitfire LF Mk, IX, F-5E, MiG-21bis, M-2000C, C-101, and several other modules.

A-10C: Stone Shield Campaign Available

The A-10C: Stone Shield campaign is a story-driven campaign that puts you in the cockpit of an A-10C Warthog as a USAF pilot assigned to the 445th Air Expeditionary Wing. In 2015 Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Russia have announced the start of the “Caucasus-2015” military exercise. Intelligence analysis later reveals that the exercises is actually cover for Russia forces repositioning to the Abkhazian territory and further escalating tensions in the Caucasus region. The 445th Air Expeditionary Wing and the 6th mechanized brigade have been deployed to Georgia as a response by NATO to counter Russia’s military aggression against its peaceful neighbor.

Purchase from DCS s-shop

Video https://youtu.be/-rtV8aDCduU

Prepare yourself to face with the following tasks:

The A-10C: Stone Shield campaign offers you a variety of challenging missions in which you must not only act as a tank killer, but also operate as a sniper making one shot and one kill engagements.