A-10C The Enemy Within Campaign is now available!

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18 dec

A-10C The Enemy Within Campaign by Baltic Dragon

The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics are proud to announce A-10C The Enemy Within Campaign by Baltic Dragon.

Campaign is available in the DCS e-shop:

The campaign working in the DCS 1.5 only!

Created by “Baltic Dragon”, The Enemy Within is a story - driven campaign that puts you in cockpit of an A-10C Warthog, sent as a part of small US detachment to Georgia in order to help contain a growing threat from a terrorist organization calling itself the “Caucasus Liberation Army” (CLA). As the story unfolds, you will be faced with a variety of challenges, including close air support, precision strikes, combat search and rescue, anti-ship strikes and even air to air combat. Striving to be as realistic as possible, the units featured in the campaign are based on their real-life counterparts. It also uses a sophisticated radio control system, meaning that you have to tune your on-board radios to the correct frequency to be able to hear more than 670 voiceovers included in the campaign. There are also over 80 pages on FRAGOs (fragmentary orders, based on the ones used by US Air Force), 50 pages of briefings and 40 maps and recon photos designed to help you successfully finish all the 21 missions.

Video: https://youtu.be/RgzjBz6SWtA

DCS: A-10C Warthog SALE!

To commemorate the launch of The Enemy Within Campaign, you can reduce the price of DCS A-10C up to 50%(!), by spending your bonus points. Starting Friday, December 18th at 1500 GMT and lasting until Monday, December 21st at 0900 GMT.

Purchase from: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/modules/dcs_a10c_warthog/