Reupload of UncleStains' Huey Rugby, adapted for Tobsen and Eightball's wonderful OH-6A Loach.
Huey Rugby -
OH-6A -
Reupload of UncleStains' Huey Rugby, adapted for Tobsen and Eightball's wonderful OH-6A Loach.
Huey Rugby -
OH-6A -
Shamelessly plaigarised from the original:
The objective is to pick up the "ball" and take it to your opponent's end zone.
- The ball is represented by an invincible paratrooper soldier model
- The mission keeps score automatically
- On-screen messages report score, fumbles, and possession changes
- Pick up the ball by flying within ~30', no need to land or stop but you need to slow down a little
- If you take the ball out of bounds or score, it respawns in the middle of the field
- If you crash with the ball, it respawns near the crash
- THE OH-6A MOD IS REQUIRED; uses Caucusus map and stock Loach liveries
- Flares are implemented to help you find the ball. When loose, the ball shoots white flares; when Red has possession, the ball carrier shoots red flares; Blue shoots green flares (no blue flares in DCS)
- Each Loach is armed with guns only and unlimited fuel/ammo