Participate in the largest naval battle since Leyte Gulf. It's 1998 and the New Soviets have conducted an Inchon-style invasion and occupation of Vestfjord, Norway. USS Theodore Roosevelt and Carrier Air Wing EIGHT have come to break the blockade. One of two mission packs for DCS Hornet and Tomcat drivers.
An eight-mission pack constituting Phase I of the Battle of Vestfjord. Fight the battle from the perspective of a Hornet pilot assigned to CVW-8.
BV 01 Opening Moves- Defeat a large scale bomber attack on the battle group.
BV 02 Sink the Moskva! - Conduct an anti-ship strike against an enemy surface action group.
BV 03 Hide and Seek- Search for a larger enemy surface force while the Hawkeyes are down.
BV 04 Action off Andoya- Participate in the largest naval action since the Battle of Leyte Gulf. Sink the Kirov if you can!
BV 05 Hunting Cripples- Destroy enemy surface units that survived the prior engagement.
BV05A Finish the Job: The Kirov is damaged but still afloat. Conduct a fighter sweep ahead of the strike to finish her off once and for all.
BV05B Securing the Flank: Conduct a SEAD mission ahead of a strike to cut the runways at Andoya after a clean sweep at sea.
BV 06 Night Hunt: a cat-and-mouse search for a few surviving enemy surface units sheltering in the fjords.
Requires Heatblur F-18, Kola Map, Supercarrier modules. File includes mission files, and a documents folder with kneeboard cards, a README file, a Mission Hints and Tips file, and a Livery List with links. Mission include custom images and kneeboard cards, and custom voice files created with AI TTS software.