OH-6A Weapons & Attachments Mod v1.7 *Updated for OH-6A v1.5*

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OH-6A Weapons & Attachments Mod v1.7 *Updated for OH-6A v1.5*

Tipo - Mod
subido por - Leviathan0815
Fecha - 30.06.2024 22:07:31
This Mod adds several weapons & attachment options, for the OH-6A mod, by Tobsen and Eightball.

Included are:
- AGM-114L Hellfire
- AGM-114K Hellfire
- FIM-92 Stinger
- Pretty much all 7 x Hydra Rocket Pods
- Floats
- Agrar spray
- Stretchers
- Passengers
- Jerrycans
- Ammo Boxes
- Fuel Barrels

The floats and the agrar spray are unfortunately only aesthetics.

v1.4 *Upd ated for v1.5*

- Flickering Skids Fixed
- Missing left front Door Fixed

Thanks to Tobsen

v1.5 *Upd ated for v1.5*

- Cargo can now be jettisoned

v1.6 *Updated for v1.5*
added guided weapons:

AGM-114L Hellfire  (Anti-Radiation)
AGM-114K Hellfire  (Laser-Guided)
FIM-92 Stinger        (IR-Guided)
APKWS                    (Laser-Guided)

v1.7 *Updated for v1.5*

- added selective jettison
- added selectable rates of fire: 4000 rpm and 6000 rpm
- added ammunition type: High Explosive Incendiary
- added selectable ammunition mixes:

Combat Mix
Full Metal Jacket


To employ the laser guided weapons, you have to use this script by Dzsek:


I've added a screenshot showing you how to se t it up, in the mission editor.
Download the script, add a trigger to a singleplayer mission and add the script as a DO SCRIPT FILE action and se t your own helicopter up as client, because as player the script won't work.

The AGM-114L Hellfire missiles in real life are radar-guided, the OH-6A has no such radar. To still make it a fun and interesting addition, I put an anti-radiation seeker head in it and extended the range a bit, to have a viable weapon against anti-air threads. The optimal engagement range is somewhere between 3-12 kilometers.

The FIM-92 Stinger has an optimized seeker that looks for heat sources in a 30° cone directly in front of the helicopter once the weapon is selected. There will be no lock tone. After firing, the missile will automatically guide onto the target, if it can pick up any heat source. The missile is all aspect capable, but not very countermeasure resistant, especially when the target pre flares while you are shooting at it.  It also has difficulties with small heat sources, like helicopters and prop planes, so try to engage them from the side, or behind.

To make the use of the guided weapons possible I had to make some changes, like there is now a "pylon selector" switch, which is an already existing switch. it’s the SAFE/FIRE TO CLEAR/FIRE switch. It is now SAFE = left pylon, FIRE TO CLEAR = right pylon, FIRE = both pylons. all the additional weapons are "rockets" now, so to sel ect them you have to switch to 40 "rockets", salvo switch to at least "1", master arm "ON". I made it so that the gun and the "original "rockets still work the same as they always did, but you can now fire the rockets fr om only one pylon as well, if you wish to do so.

For Selective Jettison on weapons pylons switch master arm "ON", weapon selector to 40 "rockets", pylon selctor SAFE = left pylon, FIRE TO CLEAR = right pylon, FIRE = both pylons, open jettison cover, press jettison.
For Selective Jettison of any cargo switch master arm "ON", weapon selector to "gun", pylon selctor to any position SAFE, FIRE TO CLEAR or FIRE, open jettison cover, press jettison. Only assets from the pylons: Cargo, Fuel, Box, Barrel and Passenger can be jettisoned, the gun it self can not be jettisoned.

This Mod adds attachments, which are not included in the core game, that means you have to install the Vietnam Asset Pack, which is part of the OH-6A Mod, the Bell 47 Mod and the UH-1 Attachments Mod, to get access to all the attachments, if you don’t want to do that, the Mod is still going to work, you just won't have all the attachments.

All the credit for the creation of those attachments goes of course to the respective Mod teams.

Bell 47 Link:

UH-1 Attachments

To Install this Mod:

Paste the Mods folder into

OH-6A Weapons & Attachments Mod Showcase Mission:

You can find the OH-6A Mod here --> https://forum.dcs.world/topic/340505-oh-6a-by-tobsen-and-eightball/

OH-6A Alternative Grease Marks --> https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3338365/
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, no distribuible
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 54.84 Kb
  • descargado: 871
  • Comentarios: 2
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