USMC VMU-3 Phantoms & VMU-1 Watchdogs MQ-9A Reapers

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USMC VMU-3 Phantoms & VMU-1 Watchdogs MQ-9A Reapers

Tipo - Librea
subido por - bns130
Fecha - 18.09.2023 21:18:42
Map - Any map
DCS Mission Planners, here are the skins of the newly fielded USMC MQ-9A Reaper of the VMU-3 Phantoms and VMU-1 Watchdogs.  

Place skins in your ... //Saved Games/DCS.openbeta/Liveries/MQ-9 Reaper folder.

USMC MQ-9A Reaper skin of VMU-3 based out of MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. The MQ-9A became operational as a VMU-3 Phantoms asset in August of 2023.  From the recent fielding ceremony:  "VMU-3 has operated a variety of Remotely Piloted Aircraft since its activation on September 12, 2008. In its nearly 15-year history, VMU-3 has participated in numerous operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Republic of the Philippines, support to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, and various other theater activities in support of U.S. allies and partners. Today’s commemoration marks a new chapter for VMU-3 and a tremendous milestone for Marine Corps aviation with this new capability now readily available in the Indo-Pacific region."  Also includes VMU-1 Watchdogs MQ-9A Reaper based out of MCAS Yuma, Arizona.

Enjoy these DCS World skins in your future DCS mission editor missions.
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, distribución libre
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 8.13 Mb
  • descargado: 228
  • Comentarios: 0
Etiquetas: mq-9 reaper, mq-9, VMU-3, USMC
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