RNLAF - 301 Squadron Redskins - Q-30 with 25th Anniversary tail.

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RNLAF - 301 Squadron Redskins - Q-30 with 25th Anniversary tail.

Tipo - Livrea
subido por - WineNB
Fecha - 31.03.2023 11:41:33
RNLAF - 301 Squadron Redskins - Q-30 with 25th Anniversary tail.

Description file edited to keep the custom patches visible.

Custom Patches: by Wine
Custom Helmet Shell: by Wine
Custom Tail Reg Numbers: by Wine
Custom Pilot Helmet Details: by Wine
Custom Pilot Body: by ZedTank, thanks to ZedTank for letting me use his great work on the body and pilot details of the pilots, check his RNLAF 2014 Demo Paintscheme: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3321099/
All other livery parts credits are for Eagle Dynamics, the standard "301 Squadron Redskins Netherlands" livery.

De Apaches van 301 Squadron van de Koninklijk Luchtmacht zijn gestationeerd op Vliegbasis Gilze Rijen.
De Apaches voor de opleiding van vliegers en de gezamenlijke trainingen met de landmacht zijn gestationeerd op Fort Hood in de Verenigde Staten.
De Nederlandse AH-64D Apaches zijn wel van het Longbow-type maar hebben geen Fire Control Radar. Dit type wordt ook wel de ‘radarless Longbow’ genoemd.
Het zogenoemde Apache Remanufacture-programma is gestart in 2020 en duurt tot in 2025. In die periode wordt de complete Apache-vloot onder handen genomen.
De Apache Delta (AH-64D) wordt gemoderniseerd tot de nieuwe standaard: de Apache Echo (AH-64E).
De‘Delta’s’ worden compleet herbouwd en gereviseerd. Zo krijgen ze een nieuwe romp, transmissie en rotorbladen.
Ook wordt het motorvermogen vergroot en krijgen ze een betere missie-uitrusting.

Installeer in C:\Users\Username\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\AH-64D_BLK_II

The Apaches of 301 Squadron of the Royal Netherlands Air Force are stationed at Gilze Rijen Air Base.
The Apaches for pilot training and joint training with the army are stationed at Fort Hood in the United States.
The AH-64D Longbow Apache is an upgraded version of the AH-64A.
The Dutch AH-64D Apaches are of the Longbow type but have no Fire Control Radar. This type is also called the 'radarless Longbow'.
The so-called Apache Remanufacture program started in 2020 and will last until 2025. During that period, the entire Apache fleet will be overhauled.
The Apache Delta (AH-64D) is being modernized to the new standard: the Apache Echo (AH-64E).
The 'Deltas' are completely rebuilt and overhauled. They get a new hull, transmission and rotor blades.
Also, the engine power is increased and they get better mission equipment.

Install in C:\Users\Username\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\AH-64D_BLK_II

Enjoy !
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 270.86 Mb
  • descargado: 271
  • Comentarios: 5
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