Popular anime show character theme Yor Forger skin on F/A-18C. Two liveries: Woodland Green and Sand.
285th Flying Wrecks is a sim squadron that is semi mil-sim while still being laid back. We don't want to be uptight, but we want to get skills. Find us on Guilded.
***Updated 6/16/23*** LUA description change to fix BORT number change by ED
Unpack the rar file in your savedgames/DCS.openbeta/liveries/FA-18C_hornet/ folder.
Popular anime show character theme Yar Forger skin on F/A-18C. Two liveries: Woodland Green and Sand.
285th Flying Wrecks is a sim squadron that is semi mil-sim while still being laid back. We don't want to be uptight, but we want to get skills. Find us on Guilded.
Yor Forger skins feature custom roughmets built from default. Custom Args for non-hmcs helmet in lua file.
***Updated 6/16/23*** LUA description change to fix BORT number change by ED
Unpack the rar file in your savedgames/DCS.openbeta/liveries/FA-18C_hornet/ folder.
If you already have the skin, the description LUA file is the only thing that changed. You would have to replace the last part, the "custom_args =" part with
custom_args =
[509] = 1.0, --Helmet Change
[27] = 0, -- Tail change of type of board number (0 = BORT numbers visible, 1 = BORT numbers not visible )
[1000] = 0, -- Flaps
[1001] = 0, -- Nose
[1002] = 1, -- Kuwait Squadron
[1003] = 1, -- Australian Squadron
[1004] = 1, -- Finland Squadron
[1005] = 1, -- Switzerland Squadron