F/A-18C BFM TRAINING with working ACMI pod with Hard Deck

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F/A-18C Hornet

F/A-18C BFM TRAINING with working ACMI pod with Hard Deck

subido por - ataribaby
Fecha - 05.10.2021 03:03:20
This is faint try to replicate working ACMI pods in constrains of DCS. Instead firing live weapons you just fire simulated rounds and results are processed at Range Control mainframe.

Navy jet as BLUE and Marines jet as RED.

F/A-18C, Supercarrier and Marianas (Free) are required to fly.

Contains MP only missions:


Read briefing and do not mess with loadouts via Ground Crew rearm or you can loose cool ACMI pod.

Hard deck is 2000 feet MSL!!!

SP is not possible as AI doesn't engage without weapons.

Have fun!

ACMI Pod Instrumentation:
Pod operations are fully automatic and controlled by Range Controller. Pod tracking and scoring is enabled only in The Ring.

One short 1500 Hz tone - Gun is tracking
Two short 1500 Hz tones - Missile is tracking
One short 200 Hz tone - Tracking is lost
One longer 2000 Hz tone - Weapon fired after successful lock on
Two longer 100 Hz tones - You are dead

Gun Min Range - 50 yards
Gun Max Range - 1000 yards
Gun Max Aspect - 60°
Gun Aim Cone - 3°
Gun Lock On Time - 3s

Missile Min Range - 500 yards
Missile Max Range - 2000 yards
Missile Max Aspect - 30°
Missile Aim Cone - 3°
Missile Lock On Time - 3s


Design & coding by Ataribaby
TargetEl and TargetAz routines borrowed from I-Hawk's Falcon BMS code. Thanks ;)

Thanks to:

Mist framework for few trigonometry functions
MikeCZ, HawkCZ, Leech (Falcon BMS) for testing
ED for DCS
My Wife for patience
My Kid for bringing me smile every moment


10/05/2021 v1.00 - Initial release
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, distribución libre
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 327.83 Kb
  • descargado: 263
  • Comentarios: 0
Etiquetas: MP, F/A-18, ACMI, Marianas
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