F/A-18A FSD #2-#6 prototype / full scale development Hornets

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F/A-18C Hornet

F/A-18A FSD #2-#6 prototype / full scale development Hornets

Tipo - Librea
subido por - sgt_schultz2
Fecha - 30.01.2021 23:32:48
PART 1: Full Scale Development F-18A Hornet skins #2, #3, #4, #5, #6.  Old style helmet/visor.  Part 2 will be 7-9 and BuNo 161248

***Updated 6/16/23  LUA change

These are skinned based on pictures found online.  None of these aircraft stayed in the same configuration throughout their life, so I based it on one instance to get some variation.

DCS World doesn't feel complete without the original Hornet liveries.

The first twelve Hornets built were a result of the U.S. Military's new concept of developing aircraft in full scale without prototyping.  This set represents 2 - 9 plus the first pilot production program aircraft which is special because it undertook performance tests which proved the F/A-18 concept was capable and not a waste of taxpayer money.  I did not recreate #1 or the two TF/A-18s.  Others have done a bang up job on #1 and we don't have two seater F-18s yet.

Part 1 contains #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6.  I changed Args to use the old style helmet visor.

Unpack the rar file in your savedgames/DCS.openbeta/liveries/FA-18C_hornet/   folder.

If you already have the skin, the description LUA file is the only thing that changed.  You would have to replace the last part, the "custom_args =" part with

custom_args =
[509] = 1.0, --Helmet Change
[27] = 0, -- Tail      change of type of board number (0 = BORT numbers visible, 1 = BORT numbers not visible )
[1000] = 0, -- Flaps
[1001] = 0, -- Nose
[1002] = 1, -- Kuwait Squadron
[1003] = 1, -- Australian Squadron
[1004] = 1, -- Finland Squadron
[1005] = 1, -- Switzerland Squadron    

Schemes are based on pictures I could find online and represent each aircraft at some point in its career.  FSD aircraft did not remain with the same overall scheme throughout their use, so you will be able to find some pictures online which disagree with any one of my schemes.
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