Boeing 747 UNITED Airlines _ Star Wars.. Rise Of Skywalker

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Boeing 747 UNITED Airlines _ Star Wars.. Rise Of Skywalker

Tipo - Librea
subido por - keefyboy
Fecha - 09.11.2019 22:38:54
To commemorate  the upcoming release  of Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker on December 19th 2019[U.K],I have created  this Promo skin for  Boeing 747  UNITED Airlines.
Although this is a fantasy skin  UNITED  are actually going to  deck out one of their  B737  aircraft  in a livery also to  promote  the  release of the film.
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, distribución libre
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 9.52 Mb
  • descargado: 215
  • Comentarios: 0
Etiquetas: b-747, Boeing 747, Star Wars
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