Custom your countermeasures Programs for F-16C (Updated), F-18C, M2000C, A-10C, A-10C 2 and AV8B-NA - IC KO - 01/11/2022

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Custom your countermeasures Programs for F-16C (Updated), F-18C, M2000C, A-10C, A-10C 2 and AV8B-NA - IC KO - 01/11/2022

Tipo - Mod
subido por - Fisu_MAD
Fecha - 24.04.2019 12:58:43
2.8 IC Fail :(

Tired of modifying the programs of countermeasures for the dispensing flares and chaffs. With this mod adjust your programs to measure. You do not have to change again.
F-16C Updated , Open Beta Patch >

Custom the ECM. airplanes:

A-10C 2
F-16C Update
Working dir, your save games dir for DCS.
Enter into "mods/aircraft/"air plane of your choose"/Cockpit/Scripts...........

and here each plane is diferent.

nav into the *.lua file and modify the ECMD setup.

Save the file.

I recomend use OvGME for manage your mods.

  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, distribución libre
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 14.83 Kb
  • descargado: 1155
  • Comentarios: 17
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