Tropico Mig-21bis skin (fictional)

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Tropico Mig-21bis skin (fictional)

Tipo - Librea
subido por - Gerbilskij
Fecha - 14.01.2019 21:47:28
Fictional Tropico Mig-21 bis liveries (updated for the new Mig-21Bis model)

Fictional liveries of Tropico Revolutionary Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria de Tropico - FART) from the videogame series. This livery is a modified version of the default Cuban and bare metal liveries . Credits for the beautiful base skin go to Leatherneck/M3LLC and their new template.

Two skins are currently included:
- Fictional Tropico Mig-21 bis camo livery based on the default Cuban Revolutionary Air Force Livery
- Fictional Tropico Mig-21 bis bare metal livery

Installation: Unzip and place the folders in C:\Users\*yourname*\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\ . Alternatively, you can manually add the texture folders to your DCS...\CoreMods\aircraft\MiG-21BIS\Liveries  folder.  can also put the skin folder into  it should work too (not recommended).

Release notes:
Version 1.3 (20/07/2020) - updated RoughMet textures and markings
Version 1.2 (13/07/2020) Added a bare metal skin
Version 1.1 updated for the new 3D model and textures
Version 1.0 initial release
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, no distribuible
  • Idioma: Cualquier idioma
  • Tamaño: 120.44 Mb
  • descargado: 393
  • Comentarios: 1
Etiquetas: Tropico, Skin, Mig-21 bis
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