F/A-18C Osean Defence Force VFA-206 (Kestral Version)

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F/A-18C Hornet

F/A-18C Osean Defence Force VFA-206 (Kestral Version)

Tipo - Librea
subido por - CaptainEstyis
Fecha - 05.06.2018 00:32:58
A fictional skin inspired by VFA-206 imagined as an air wing off the OFS Kestral II from AC7

A OMDF custom skin I originally made for a custom DCS AC7 campaign I'd been creating, and I decided to upload it for others to enjoy as well. Since it has now become my most popular livery I uploaded, I decided to update the old low-vis design, and add a new second high vis design.

New additions include:
-Custom helmet for both versions
-updated low-vis version
-New high-vis version
-added new fictional carrier air wing tail code
-added "OFS Kestral II" on the tail

In the future if I get time or interest, I'll add custom PTBs as well.

Thank you for supporting the skin and downloading. Enjoy!
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, no distribuible
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 27.29 Mb
  • descargado: 802
  • Comentarios: 8
Etiquetas: HORNET, Ace Combat 7, osea
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