Double Duty Aggressor

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DCS: World 2.0
F-5E Tiger

Double Duty Aggressor

subido por - TheHighwayman
Fecha - 20.08.2017 05:10:49
Fly as a RED Aggressor out of Groom Lake to intercept BLUE bombers in an intense, double-hop mission at dawn. Fly full real, intermediate-level difficulty, 75-90 mins.

Double Duty Aggressor has you flying out of Groom Lake as part of a Red Flag exercise. You will fly two hops as part of one mission, portraying a highly-motivated Red Air opposition force against Blue strike packages. You will need to know how to land, rearm and refuel your F-5 as part of this mission. You will also need to be resourceful, managing your fuel, weapons, wingman, and making use of terrain to maximize your odds of winning. Opposition forces include aircraft of various types with superior armament. You will be assisted by a few additional Aggressor flights joining you out of Groom Lake.

The mission starts before dawn, in morning twilight, so VR or a dark room is essential to seeing. As the mission progresses, you will enjoy one of the most breathtaking features of the DCS simulation, sunrise over the high chaparral of Nevada.

Pilots who aspire to do well in this mission should be experienced on the F-5, and should be familiar with the Nevada map. You will need to navigate by dead reckoning and sight. You will also need to be able to start, shut down, rearm and refuel, and start again.

This file contains a full briefing text and briefing images to assist you in completing your mission, which are viewable before mission start.

I would like to improve this mission by adding voiceovers, cleaning up triggers, and providing more immersive detail. If you have feedback, questions, trouble with this mission, or would like to help develop a 2.0 version of this mission, please contact me on the DCS forums. You are also welcome to modify this mission as you wish.
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, distribución libre
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 1.2 Mb
  • descargado: 1304
  • Comentarios: 0