Steel Winter, the Single Player Experience Mission 2 (for release ver 1.5.4)

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DCS: World 1.5
A-10C Warthog

Steel Winter, the Single Player Experience Mission 2 (for release ver 1.5.4)

subido por - Winston60
Fecha - 03.08.2016 08:02:32
Mission Two of Steel Winter - an ongoing Singleplayer missions project for A-10C's and A-10A's

Steel Winter is a series of interconnected single player missions for A-10A and A-10C pilots. This mission was built in Ver 1.5.4 release using the mission editor only, no additional scripting. No mods are required although Starway's Caucasus Textures 2.0 will give you much nicer Winter Scenery.

The Situation:
Your squadron has been requested at Mozdok Airbase to help drive a rogue General and his forces out of the area. Some of your Squadron's equipment did not arrive with you... you will not have targeting pods for the A-10C's. However you will have plenty of IR and TV Mavericks, rockets and cluster munitions, iron bombs and ECM pods. Navigation is simplified using the ATC menu, the MGRS grid system and you will also get direction, by voice, in degrees and distance to a target from a known location. The text briefings will be sparse and basic. You will receive most of your orders, by voice, in the cockpit.

Kudos to the Voice Actors who provide a unique service by producing recordings to make these missions more fun. Their efforts greatly increase the immersion of the mission. Listen carefully for their announcements as these are your instructions on what to do.

Voice overs:
* Riproren
* Chris “Datek” Poulos
* Bill "Bingo" Clark
* Maury "Moose" Pratt
* Dmitriy "Alieneye" Grigoryev
** Do Not use my voiceover files in any other missions created for DCS. It's not fair to the hard work of the actors and to the hours I have spent to coordinate with the actors and to produce these voice files.

* Yurgon

In the .zip file I've provided two versions, one for A-10A and another for the A-10C. In each version you will fly with two AI wingmen.

Filename for A-10A mission: SteelWinterSingleA-2.miz
Filename for A-10C mission: SteelWinterSingleC-2.miz

Choose your own settings to customize the difficulty for your skill level, although I have locked "Fog of War" on the F10 Map setting, and civil traffic at "low".

I hope you find this entertaining. This set of interconnected missions is being built out of love for the A-10A which we fly often in our group and, of course, I didn't want to leave out the A-10C's although their complexity is somewhat reduced by the lack of TGP's. I'll be posting more missions in this series as they are completed and tested.

Comments and suggestions are welcomed, and you may ask for help or playtips at the discussion topic here:
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, no distribuible
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 5.63 Mb
  • descargado: 2037
  • Comentarios: 0