[Mi-8MTV2] "Vasilissa the Beautiful" HD Gray Cockpit

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[Mi-8MTV2] "Vasilissa the Beautiful" HD Gray Cockpit

Tipo - Mod
subido por - DirtyFret
Fecha - 05.05.2016 22:44:51
A HD retexturing of the MI-8MTV2 Cockpit + new ENG translation

HD retexturing of the Mi-8 cockpit and a new english translation. The new translation is based on the TM 1-1520-Mi-17-10 manual, although in some cases I used quite a bit of artistic freedom due to different switches or functionalities.

- HD texturing (4096x4096)
- New english translation
- Entirely redrawn HD gauges (lines + text)
- Faux 3D effects
- Faux glass effects on indicators
- New alpha channels
- Blue ,Dark Gray and Light Gray variant
- New annunciator light effect
- New windshield (HD + wiper FX)
- Dirt and scratches
- New rivets , screws
- Central panel texts without  "jagged edge"-effect

Thread for reporting issues and for commenting: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=165754

I claim only the moral right to be acknowledged as the author/artist behind this modification and as such ask that no mirror download files would be created. No ownership of the original or these modified files is implied or stated. Any source files used were freeware or copyright free, however if you recognise such an image or part thereof I will do my best to remove it from this mod as quickly as possible. I'll try to keep working on this (slowly) but no guarantees are given.

This work is based on Belsimteks and the original artists work who created the standard texture. Thank you for the great model and textures. I extend my gratitude to Uboats whose .edm extraction tool for the description.lua file was essential. Also, thanks to Google for providing me with hundreds of free source files and a semiworking Russian-to-English helper. Lastly but not least Devrim and his original english translation helped me save at least 2 months of work with the annunciator lights and the corresponding dds file. Without his work it would have been incredibly slow to find which annunciator corresponds to which in the TM 1-1520-Mi-17-10 manual. Thank you all *bows

1.1   Added HD switch bases to the central panel + new color variant (LightGray)
Patch 8/7/16:  Annunciator lights and R863 numbers fixed
Patch 1/8/16:  Central panel R863 Number alpha channel mismatch corrected
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, no distribuible
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 84.4 Mb
  • descargado: 2320
  • Comentarios: 0
Etiquetas: HD cockpit, Mi 8 MTV2, Mi 8, JSGME
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