DCS: BS v1.0.0 Training Tracks v.1.1

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DCS: Black Shark 1.0.2

DCS: BS v1.0.0 Training Tracks v.1.1

Tipo - Traccia
subido por - Baal
Fecha - 30.07.2010 16:45:23
Old training tracks prerequisites to Black Shark v.1.0.2. Mod compatible with ModMan

This mod prepares old training track files to be compatible with new DCS: Black Shark v.1.0.2. directories structure.

Changes in version 1.1:
Track files were removed from the zip file as property of ED.
Use RestoreTracks.bat located in \Training\BS\en directory to copy tracks from Backup folder.

Training track files were recorded in version 1.0.0 of the game, so they may be played incorrectly in 1.0.2.

To remove "Training tracks can't be played..." message box from Training menu use "Training Menu Fix" mod.
It can be found on:
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 172.5 Kb
  • descargado: 3736
  • Comentarios: 1