Macross/Robotech Skull Squadron VF-1 Livery Pack 1 (V2) for DCS World/Flaming Cliffs 3

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Macross/Robotech Skull Squadron VF-1 Livery Pack 1 (V2) for DCS World/Flaming Cliffs 3

Tipo - Librea
subido por - Flogger23m
Fecha - 01.07.2015 08:17:22
Skull Squadron Liveries (VF-1 pack 1) for DCS World/Flaming Cliffs 3 - By Flogger23m

***Version: 1.0***

A recreation of the Skull Squadron liveries from Macross: DYRL & Macross SDF/Robotech. Includes a Robotech marked VF-1S as Skull Leader and three DYRL marked VF-1/S as the remaining members of the squadron. Redistribution of these files is prohibited.


Cut/paste the two folders to the following directory:

/Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Bazar\Liveries\F-15C

The liveries can be found by selecting the following in the mission editor:

UN Spacy VF-1S Skull Leader
UN Spacy VF-1A Hayao
UN Spacy VF-1A/S Hikaru
UN Spacy VF-1A/S Max

Usable by both the US & Israel.

This livery/skin was tested in DCS World version 1.2.16.

***Version: 2.0 Change List***

- Corrected number markings.
- Minor texture corrections.
- Updated mission editor display names.


Delete the folders

Macross/Robotech Skull Squadron Liveries (VF-1 pack 1) for DCS World/Flaming Cliffs 3
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, no distribuible
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 38.84 Mb
  • descargado: 2294
  • Comentarios: 2