DTWD's Basic 'Make my god-damn game speak English' MOD - American Accents + Russian Accented Betty

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DCS: Black Shark 1.0.2

DTWD's Basic 'Make my god-damn game speak English' MOD - American Accents + Russian Accented Betty

Tipo - Mod
subido por - DTWD
Fecha - 27.06.2010 17:50:01
The Mod Changes:

- All radio communication to English, unless mentioned below as American accented English (none mission specific)
- Pilot to Russian accented English (as in pre 1.0.2)
- Betty to Russian accented English (as in pre 1.0.2)
- All works regardless of coalition/side

DTWD's Basic 'Make my god-damn game speak English' MOD - American Accents + Russian Accented Betty

The Mod Changes:

- All radio communication to English, unless mentioned below as American accented English (none mission specific)
- Pilot to Russian accented English (as in pre 1.0.2)
- Betty to Russian accented English (as in pre 1.0.2)
- All works regardless of coalition/side


Changes the localizer config file to be purely English instead of a mish mash of Russian and English.

This has the happy outcome of switching all ground/ATC/Tankers etc to being (American) English instead of
Russian. It also changes the pilot voice (when using the radio) to be in Russian accented English.

The config modification (sadly) doesn't change Betty into English, so this MOD also replaces all* Betty sound
files with the Russian accented versions from pre 1.0.2. So Betty now speaks English, but sounds Russian.

* Sadly ED seem to have added some extra sound files since the 1.0.2 patch that refer to "board" and then a
number. I have no idea what this board is but the new "betty" would tell you a board number before a particular
warning. So for instance in pre 1.0.2 you would get "left engine fire" you now get something like "board 50 left
engine fire". I felt this slightly redundant as the pre patch betty never had it, and to be honest I don't care
(whatever it is) what board has got an issue with my engine fire, my main concern is the fact I am travely at over
200 kmph at 50ft and my left engine is having a self made bbq. Not only that if I left these new sounds in betty
would change voice to one that doesn't sound as good as the original, it would break the imersion and it adds
nothing to the experience. So I could just remove the numbers and the "board" sound, or instead (to make sure
BS still has a file to play) I could have inserted blank sound files, but in the end I decided to use the "warning"
word from another file to replace the numbers and "board". I always felt the fire warning should be precided by
the warning anyway, so here it is. If your really desperate for the board information it's still in the sub titles.

If you just want to back to as close as you can to pre 1.0.2 then you need my other MOD:

DTWD's Basic 'Make my god-damn game speak English' MOD - Russian Accents + Betty
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, no distribuible
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 1.7 Mb
  • descargado: 2415
  • Comentarios: 1