Represents a weapon unit: shell, rocket, missile and bomb. Extends CoalitionObject. Final class.
Weapon.flag enum stores weapon flags. Some of them are combination of another flags.
Weapon.flag = { LGB, TvGB, SNSGB, HEBomb, Penetrator, NapalmBomb, FAEBomb, ClusterBomb, Dispencer, CandleBomb, ParachuteBomb, GuidedBomb = LGB + TvGB + SNSGB, AnyUnguidedBomb = HEBomb + Penetrator + NapalmBomb + FAEBomb + ClusterBomb + Dispencer + CandleBomb + ParachuteBomb, AnyBomb = GuidedBomb + AnyUnguidedBomb, LightRocket, MarkerRocket, CandleRocket, HeavyRocket, AnyRocket = LightRocket + HeavyRocket + MarkerRocket + CandleRocket, AntiRadarMissile, AntiShipMissile, AntiTankMissile, FireAndForgetASM, LaserASM, TeleASM, CruiseMissile, GuidedASM = LaserASM + TeleASM, TacticASM = GuidedASM + FireAndForgetASM, AnyASM = AntiRadarMissile + AntiShipMissile + AntiTankMissile + FireAndForgetASM + GuidedASM + CruiseMissile, SRAAM, MRAAM, LRAAM, IR_AAM, SAR_AAM, AR_AAM, AnyAAM = IR_AAM + SAR_AAM + AR_AAM + SRAAM + MRAAM + LRAAM, AnyMissile = AnyASM + AnyAAM, AnyAutonomousMissile = IR_AAM + AntiRadarMissile + AntiShipMissile + FireAndForgetASM + CruiseMissile, GUN_POD, BuiltInCannon, Cannons = GUN_POD + BuiltInCannon, AnyAGWeapon = BuiltInCannon + GUN_POD + AnyBomb + AnyRocket + AnyASM, AnyAAWeapon = BuiltInCannon + GUN_POD + AnyAAM, UnguidedWeapon = Cannons + BuiltInCannon + GUN_POD + AnyUnguidedBomb + AnyRocket, GuidedWeapon = GuidedBomb + AnyASM + AnyAAM, AnyWeapon = AnyBomb + AnyRocket + AnyMissile + Cannons, MarkerWeapon = MarkerRocket + CandleRocket + CandleBomb, ArmWeapon = AnyWeapon - MarkerWeapon }
Weapon.Category enum that stores weapon categories.
Weapon.Category = { SHELL, MISSILE, ROCKET, BOMB }
Weapon.GuidanceType enum that stores guidance methods. Available only for guided weapon (Weapon.Category.MISSILE and some Weapon.Category.BOMB).
Weapon.MissileCategory enum that stores missile category. Available only for missiles (Weapon.Category.MISSILE).
Weapon.MissileCategory = { AAM, SAM, BM, ANTI_SHIP, CRUISE, OTHER }
Weapon.WarheadType enum that stores warhead types.
Weapon.WarheadType = { AP, HE, SHAPED_EXPLOSIVE }
Weapon.Desc = extends Object.Desc { category = enum Weapon.Category, warhead = { type = enum Weapon.WarheadType, mass = Mass, caliber = Distance, explosiveMass = Mass or nil, --for HE and AP(+HE) warheads only shapedExplosiveMass = Mass or nil, --for shaped explosive warheads only shapedExplosiveArmorThickness = Distance or nil ----for shaped explosive warheads only } }
weapon descriptor. This is common part of descriptor for any weapon. Some fields are actual only for HE and AP+HE warheads, some fields are actual only for shaped explosive warheads. Descriptor format depended on weapon category.
Weapon.DescMissile = extends Weapon.Desc { guidance = enum Weapon.GuidanceType, rangeMin = Distance, rangeMaxAltMin = Distance, rangeMaxAltMax = Distance, altMin = Distance, altMax = Distance, Nmax = number, fuseDist = Distance }
missile descriptor.
Weapon.DescRocket = extends Weapon.Desc { distMin = Distance, distMax = Distance }
rocket descriptor.
Weapon.DescBomb = extends Weapon.Desc { guidance = enum Weapon.GuidanceType, altMin = Distance, altMax = Distance, }
bomb descriptor.
Member functions
Unit Weapon.getLauncher(Weapon self)
returns the unit that launched the weapon
Object Weapon.getTarget(Weapon self)
returns target of the guided weapon. Unguided weapons and guided weapon that is targeted at the point on the ground will return nil.
Weapon.Desc Weapon.getDesc(Weapon self)
returns weapon descriptor. Descriptor type depends on weapon category.