The Patriot is a project undertaken to show some love for my country and its history. F-15E with US Constitution and Declaration of Independence on the tail. camouflaged fuselage and some chroming details and flowing pinstripes. Check out the other Patriot aircraft on the ED site.
License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
On 21 March 1944, Lt. Lou Luma (USAAF) and F/L Don MacFadyen set a record by shooting down three German aircraft and damaging 22 others on a Day Ranger mission over France. They raided two Luftwaffe airfields guarded by AAA and German fighters and returned safely to RAF Ford Air Base.
Source: 418 RCAF Operations Records in the Canadian National Archives
Skins by 313_Paegas:
Luma's Moonbeam McSwine:
MacFadyen's Standard Night Camo:
License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
This is a mission to test if the socalled In-Ground-Effect (IGE) is actually noticeable.
At altitudes of less then one rotor length the In-Ground-Effect (IGE) should provide some extra lift.
You can try and feel if this is the case by reducing the collective to account for the IGE.
This is barely noticeable at least to myself. Maybe this is not even modelled correctly in DCS?
Any experienced helicopter pilots can maybe comment on this.
In theory with the coaxial rotors of the KA50 this IGE should be more pronounced than with other helicopters.
Unfortunately there are no charts available for the KA50.
** Included are voice overs and charts and pictures explaining the effect. **
License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
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