Tutorial In Destruction

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Tutorial In Destruction

Uploaded by - Cpt_Tangerine
Date - 11/02/2013 18:45:08
This is a blatant copy of Para Bellum's Tutorial01.miz but which will work with BS2.  It is a simple mission giving new pilots an opportunity to try out the weapons systems or to allow pilots coming back to the Ka-50 a chance to revise and ease back into it in a low stress environment.

Take off from Kutaisi air base, follow the waypoints to a group of three tanks, destroy them Vikhr missiles, then move on and destroy an enemy camp consisting of tents and infantry with rockets and guns before returning to base.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 7.11 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1834
  • Comments: 1
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