Border Patrol - Mission 9

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Border Patrol - Mission 9

Uploaded by - DarkFire
Date - 02/27/2011 10:49:36
This is the 9th mission in my Border Patrol series. This mission sees you piloting the Su-33 from the Kuznetsov. Your mission is to carry out a long-range interception over the Black Sea to identify some unknown radar contacts.

The mission includes some custom briefing material. Please be aware that most of the triggers and conditions in this mission were created with the aid of Blindspot's mission editor mod. I don't know if this mission will work correctly without this mod. I'd highly recommend it anyway as it adds very useful functionality to the mission editor.

Any quations, comments or constructive criticism? Email me at
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 719.81 Kb
  • Downloaded: 2939
  • Comments: 0
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